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Conflicted Confused & Frustrated

Dimensions Magazine

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Oct 2, 2005
I haven't posted on any of the message boards in a great while, so if this is the wrong forum, please forgive me.

Over time, I have ventured out into the message boards and the chat room, reading comments getting ideas and even making a few friends. Like many friendships, some last a long time while some simply fade away in an instance. Time and personal issues are the majority reasons why most become non-existant. When coming back to the boards or the chat, it seems as if I have to "start-over" the friendships I have made in the past. At times, as I'm sure many of you have experienced, can be frustrating.

With others that I have met, it literally means starting over again from square one (the confusing part), if you have chatted or exhanged posts on the board, they should remember something? Right?

The conflicting aspect is, taking time out for classes, studying, or trying to improve/straighten out some parts of my life, it means losing some or mostly all the friends I have met within that time.

More times than not, it feels as if I have to start over again and again with some that I thought were more than just people simply exchanging mere greetings.

I hope that this didn't come off as something as whiney or a need for attention, but I would like to know. Has this happened to anyone else or is this just a unique incident? Which I hope it isn't.
