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FA Disaster Stories

Dimensions Magazine

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Large Marge sent me.
Oct 12, 2005
I wasn't sure if this should be posted here or on the Main Board, but I'll put it here and see how it fits.

As a young FA, I made many mistakes while trying to figure out exactly how to express my preferences. Discovering that my sexual desires did not align themselves with most other guys was initially a disorienting experience, and while treading through the treacherous waters of FA/BBW relationships I often became involved in what can only be described as FA DISASTER STORIES.

*cue sensational graphic*

You know those Airport disaster movies? Airport 1975, Airport '77? Well I call this story Fat Admirer '04. It was my senior year in high school and I was dating this really cute girl. Let's call her Katie 'cause that was her name. We had a lot of fun together but I had this problem where I could not stop telling her how "hot" she would look if she gained weight. Did I actually want her to gain weight? I guess that would've been cool, but that wasn't why I was saying those things. I repeatedly told her that I didn't want her to gain weight for me and I meant it. I was just so excited about sharing my preference with her and talking about the prospect of her gaining weight was my misguided way of doing that. I really liked her just the way she was.

Fast forward two months. Valentines Day was fast approaching. In addition to being an overzealous FA I was kind of an overzealous boyfriend in general, still am, and I had pulled out all the stops. She went to a different school, so I had asked a group of people running a Valentines Day fund raiser at her school to drop off a gift of flowers and chocolates to her in each class. With ever class the gifts got bigger. She was supposed to come visit me on Saturday (Valentines Day!) and I had written a song for her. It was going to be the best Valentine's Day ever! Little did I know that by the time she arrived our relationship would be on dangerously thin ice.

Inexperienced in the ways of love, I had not forcasted that Katie would be completely overwhelmed by my excessively romantic gesture. We had only been dating for two months, after all. I had a dream the night before she arrived in which she was much fatter than she was in real life. Upon greeting one another we embraced and our exchange was as follows:

ME: You look beautiful.
KATIE: Thanks.
ME: I had a dream about you last night.
KATIE: Yeah?
ME: You had gained like, thirty pounds.

The look on her face should have told me that I was finished, but I didn't notice. I was a young FA in love! I sang her the song I wrote her, which was thankfully absent of any references to her weight, and she promptly took me aside and dumped me. Simple as that. I was left alone to spend the remainder of Valentines Day pondering how my romantic efforts had managed to go so disasterously wrong.

I share this cringe-inducing story because I learned a lot from the experience. I still make mistakes now and again, but I'd like to think I'm a whole lot better at this whole FA thing than I used to be. If my other guy friends were FAs we'd share stories like this with one another, laugh, and be thankful that we're not quite as lame as we were in high school. I don't have any FA friends around these parts though, so I thought I'd share this story here.

If anyone else would like to share an FA Disaster Story, please do. I for one find them quite cathartic.

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