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Getting Fat - by Dale71395 (~BBW, Eating. Inebriation, Lesbian Sex. ~XWG )

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Nov 11, 2006
~BBW, Eating. Inebriation, Lesbian Sex. ~XWG - a widowed but rich victim of spousal abuse explores alternative life styles

Getting Fat
by Dale 71395

Hello I’m Amy this is my story.

After I graduated from high school I married my high school sweet heart. We had a good time at the beginning. After we were married for four years my husband graduated from college. He went to school to become a stockbroker. After he graduated he tried to find a good job with little success. In about a year of trying he got the job he went to school and studied so hard for. At first everything was fine.

Then, due to the stress of working so many hours and little time off for relaxation, he started drinking. First it was a martini when he got home. As time went by it increased to two, then three. He started stopping at a bar on the way home for a few drinks before he got home. At first he got angry about small things. Then it escalated to the way I looked with my weight.

I can remember the first time he slapped me. We sat down at the table for dinner and his vegetables were not hot enough. From that point on it got worse. I never knew what to expect from him. One day he came home and thought I looked too fat He was comparing me to the dancers he was seeing at the bar. So he made me get on a scale and found out my weight.

I’m 5’4” and at that time I weight 130 pounds. I thought I was perfect for my height; he did not think so. He told me he wanted me down to 105 pounds. He gave me a time line and said I better stick to it. From that point on he weight me every time he got home. After the first week I did not lose the weight he expected he closed his fist hit me hard in the stomach. I went down and I started crying he kicked me in the ribs and said no crying from know on.

At that point I quit eating altogether. I was late getting dinner on the table he hit me in the eye with a closed fist. I was down and out. The next time something went wrong I left the house to my mothers but she was not home. I quickly wrote a note but he found it when he came and got me. He dragged me home. tied me up to the bed a whipped me repeatdly. He had bars added to all the windows and doors; I was locked in like a caged animal. Twice more I got hit in the face hard because I did not loose the weight he thought I needed. He hit me because of the way I looked. He slammed me in the ribs when I asked him to please stop.

Then he started coming home and hitting me for no reason. My face looked like a boxer who lost a fight bad. One day he came home and did not like the shirt I had on and ripped it off and burned me with a hot knife. I was bringing dinner to the table the plate slipped and crashed on the floor. He broke my arm and made me eat the food off the floor. When I was done he kicked me in the ribs very hard.

When I finally reached my weight goal he said it took too long and smashed me in the face three times very hard. I was dizzy for a long time after that. One day he came home smashed me in the face then kicked me in the ribs a couple of times. He was laughing the whole time he did it. I was faint all the time from not eating. My arm hurt constantly. I dropped dinner again he just dragged me in the bedroom and whipped me and hit me for quite awhile. I started passing out for no reason.

Then it happened he had a hard drinking night. When he left for work he gave me my orders. An hour latter I heard something in the kitchen. I found his cell phone on he floor it must have slipped out of his pocket. I could not believe it. I picked it up and called 911.

The police came and had to cut the bars with a cutting torch to get to me. When they saw me they called me an ambulance to take me to the hospital. The nurses told me my weight was 95 pounds. They took a lot of x-rays and pictures. I had four broken ribs, a broken arm, jaw, nose and a concussion. I was given a CAT scan to make sure there was no problem with my brain. They had to rebreak my arm so it would set correctly and wire my teeth together. I tried to contact my mother and found out she had a heart attack and died five months before.

The police went to my husband's work and arrested him for spousal abuse. There was a short trial and he went to prison for ten years. That’s the last I saw him. Later I heard he was killed in prison.

After a week in the hospital for observation I was taken to a house for abused women. It was nice to know there were other women who had similar problems. I was given time to recover from my injuries. I had to eat through a straw for 3 months. My weight went down to 90 pounds. It took time but soon I started looking like my normal self. No more wired jaw and my arm was out of the cast. I went to my old home and checked it out you could still see my blood on the floor in the kitchen and in the bedroom. I sold the home and did some checking and found there was over 10 million dollars in the bank.

There was a strong box with some stock purchases from Microsoft in it. I checked and found that the 10 million dollars came from the dividends from the Microsoft stock. My monthly dividend check was 12,000 dollars. I got in my old ford Taurus and looked until I found a small apartment in San Jose. I didn’t have to work but I wanted something to keep my mind off the past. I tried some odd jobs but could not find anything I liked.

One day I was taking a walk around the block there was a sign for help wanted in the window of a small restaurant. I went in and found it was for a waitress job. At first I had a problem getting the orders correct but got used to it. After awhile it became second nature. The owners of the restaurant said I was the best waitress they had ever had. I worked there for a year or so when the owners said they lost their lease and were closing the restaurant for good. During the time I was working at the restaurant I got my weight back where I thought it should be, 130 pounds. My employer told a friend of his that owned a restaurant down town about how good I was at being a waitress and he set an interview for me next Monday.

When I arrived for my interview I noticed a vacancy sign across the street at an apartment complex. I wanted to move if the interview went okay. I’d have to go check it out when I was done.

I walked into the restaurant and told the hostess, “Hi I’m Amy I have an interview with the manager at 9:00 am.”

She said, “Wait righte here I will go find him and let him know you are here.”

While I was waiting I noticed the entire waitress crew seemed to be quite fat. It was a very large restaurant with an outside patio. There were at least two bars I could see from where I sat waiting. I saw the hostess coming back with a very handsome man in his late forties.

He said, “Hello you must be Amy? I’ve heard a lot of very good things about you. Let’s go to my office so we can talk.”

We walked by the bar and the bartender said, “Hello Mister Franklin.”

He replied, “Hello Jimmy.”

We walked down a corridor to his office. Not too big but it seemed adequate for his needs. He motioned for me to sit down on the chair in front of his desk.

Then said, “So what was your first impression of the place?”

I replied, “It’s a lot larger than the place I used to work. I like the challenge to improve my self on being a better waitress. So when do I start?”

He said, “There are a few things you must know first. I feel that in order for a waitress to do a good job, they must eat everything that is on the menu before they start helping customers. From that point on they must eat the daily specials every morning. This scares off a few applicants, because you will gain weight I guarantee it.”

I asked, “how many items are on the menu?”

He said, “I varies from week to week. I would say over 100 things to eat.”

I said, “That would take months to finish it all.”

He replied, “The way it works is you eat three complete meals a day until you have tried everything. At the end it will mostly be desserts. It usually lasts about a month and you get paid the same as if you were doing your job as a waitress.”

I asked, “when do you want me to begin?”

He said, “Why? Is there something you would like to do before you begin working here?”

I replied, “Yes. I was hoping to move closer. I noticed a vacancy sign across the street at the apartment complex.”

He said, “Okay, how about you let me know when you are settled in?”

I said, “thank you Mr. Franklin. I will find out about the apartment and let you know when I will be ready to move in. It was nice meeting you and I can’t wait to get started working here.”

He said, “Just let me know when you are moved in and are ready to start work, okay?”

I said, “yes Mr. Franklin and thank you for the opportunity.”

When the interview was over I walked across the street and found the apartment manager. I asked him about the vacancy. He said the people just gave notice and had to leave town fast. He had just put the sign out an hour orso before. I asked to see the apartment. It was a two-bedroom apartment on the ground floor across the street from the restaurant less than 100 yards away. I said I would take it and gave him the deposit he wanted on the spot.

I went home and called a moving company to come move my stuff for me. Three men showed up the next day started packing all my things. I didn’t have much of anything to move so they were done in one day. I took my time unpacking and I was ready to start work the next Monday.

On Friday I called Mr. Franklin and told him, “ I’ll be ready to start on Monday.”

He said, “That’s great, You need to see Margaret when you arrive. She will be the one you will get your training started.”

I was excited starting a new. The job sounded very interesting. I felt lucky I was able to get it so close to home especially knowing how expensive the price of gas was.

I walked into the restaurant at 8:00am. I didn’t see anybody working, then I noticed Jimmy at the bar. I walked over and sat on a barstool.

I said, “You're Jimmy correct?”

He answered, “yes, you are Amy aren’t you?”

I said, “that is correct. I am supposed to meet Margaret here. Do you know where her office is?”

He said, “Yes it is behind the bar.”

I said, “Thanks”

He said, “Any time.”

He seemed pretty nice. I walked behind the bar and found the door and knocked. I heard Margaret say, “ come in.” So I opened the door and walked in. She motioned to the chair at the front of here desk for me to sit. She was very nice looking with a nice smile.

She said, “Hi I’m Margaret. You must be Amy?” I shock my head yes.

“I talked to Mr. Franklin and he said that he went over the circumstances about being hired to become a waitress.”

I said, “Yes mam.”

She said, “Please call me Margaret. To begin with I would like to show you around the restaurant.”

We left the office I waved hi to Jimmy as we walked past the bar. We went past the other bar on the way to the back. There were some tables out in the sun and another bar.

Margaret said, “the kitchen is in the middle come on I will show it to you.”

The kitchen was huge. We walked through and went back to Margaret’s office.

Margaret said, “In about an hour the kitchen staff will start getting ready for lunch. I would like you to watch how things are done. So for the rest of the day I want you to sit on a stool in the kitchen and watch. Make sure you keep out of everybody’s way. I will see you tomorrow. Oh by the way you don’t have to dress up. Remember you will not be helping any customers anyway. You can wear anything you want within reason.”

I went back to the kitchen and found the stool she was talking about. I sat down, a man came over. By looking at him you could tell he was a chef of some kind.

He said, “Hi my name is Al, the head chef. Margaret said she was going to send another girl over to watch. Watch the waitresses that we have and try to remember everything you see and please stay out of the way.”

I saw a waiter taking trays full of food into the back room. He came back to the kitchen empty-handed. After 20 minutes the waitresses came from the room. They were talking and laughing. They all looked at a board hanging on a wall. From where I was sitting it looked like the table locations. Then they went out the door.

About ten minutes latter the cooking started. The waitress started coming in and going out with orders for the customers they were talking to each other about everything but what they were doing. The cooks were fast at what they were doing. You could tell they have been working together for a long time and each one knew what the other one was doing before he or she did it. It was a well-oiled machine. There were no mistakes by the cooks or the waitresses. All day into the night it continued. Before I knew it was closing time. I was very hungry having nothing to eat all day. Margaret came by about 9:00 P.M., which is when the restaurant closed. .

She said, “ Come in tomorrow at 10:00am. I know you are hungry today but it’s important that you saw how well the kitchen staff works together. You will not be hungry tomorrow I promise. Have a nice evening and I will see you tomorrow.”

I walked home made myself some dinner. I went through my clothes trying to decide what to ware. I thought that some kind of stretch pants would be good. In the bottom of my drawer I found some old pants with elastic around the belt line. I also found a blouse that was a couple sizes to big. I went to bed early. I thought I would have a big day tomorrow. I set the alarm to go off at 8:00am.

I walked to work and got there at 10:00am. I found Margaret in her office. I knocked on the door then went in.

Margaret said, “I'll take you to the room you will be eating.” On the way she explained, “You will be eating three meals a day. One will start at 10:00am. The next one will start at 1:00pm and the next will be 4:00pm. You need to eat everything that you get for each meal. You will not have a choice of which meal you will get. If you get done early you can walk around the restaurant and watch how the waitress handle themselves. You do not need to report to me any more. Betty will be helping you from now on. Just arrive here at 10:00am sit down at the table and make sure you are ready to eat. I will be checking up on you once in awhile to see how things are going.”

We walked into a small room about 8’x10’ foot. It was painted a white color with florescent lights. Most of the room was taken up with a large table made of light oak. There were a couple of chairs. One was very well padded and you could tell it was expensive the other was a plain oak chair. There were two doors, one leading into the kitchen and the one we entered by.