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I need your opinion regardding this guy...

Dimensions Magazine

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Mar 5, 2010
There is this man that I work with who I think may possibly have a romantic interest in me. We had an instant attraction when we first met. He eventually asked me to volunteer alongside him at church weekly and has asked me out for coffee alone. Maybe he likes me, maybe he doesn't. I dunno. And to tell the truth as much as I like, respect, and adore him I am just fine in taking it super slow and becoming good friends first. I think being that we both share the same faith and values definitely sets a tone for our friendship. Here is the part where my little brain gets to thinking that he might be a FA...

We have talked a lot about relationships and he has confided in me that he sometimes wonders where he and his teenage love went wrong. She is now married but he admitted that he sometimes pines after her. Here is the thing. When they were together she was thick. Maybe 170 lbs. but she has probably gained a good 80 lbs. since then.

Today, while I was setting up my medications at work he was paging through the newspaper and said, "look at this advertisement for this weight loss pill, they will pay you $5 for every pound you lose while taking it." I replied that he didn't need to lose any weight. He then goes on to say that a person could just gain a lot of weight on purpose and then take the pills to get the money. I kind of giggled and said that could be a lot of fun and he laughed too. And then we went on to talking about something else. I just thought it was odd for him to even mention the advertisment being that I am obviously not a slim woman and generally weight is a LOADED subject. Or maybe he really is that dense. Wouldn't be the first guy ;) That being said this is not the first time he has brought up the subject of weight which I again find odd for a guy as they typically avoid that subject like the plague.

I don't know if he is a FA in the general sense of the term or if my subconcious is only creating fairytales but my intuition tells me that he is in fact on some level. I know he thinks my body looks nice because I catch him checking me out constantly and I weigh a good 200. That and he always finds ways to talk to me and get close to me. So what do you think? Have I spotted a FA?