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Joe Learns to Like Fat Girls - by Fat Peggy (~BBW (Multiple), Stuffing, Explicit Sex)

Dimensions Magazine

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Britt Reid

Library Editor
Oct 28, 2009
~BBW (Multiple), Stuffing, Explicit Sex, ~SWG – former stud becomes an FA with a little pushing.

Joe Learns to Like Fat Girls
By Fat Peggy
(Reposted with permission from Fantasy Feeder)​

Chapter One

Joe was hanging out in a bar with his friend Tom, and they were talking about women, of course.

Tom indicated a woman who was kind of chubby, and said she was really hot. “She has a really pretty face, nice full breasts, a nice round ass, not too big a belly, and she’s tall. I just love tall chubby girls.

Joe said, “You’re crazy. She’s way too fat. Look at the size of her. She’s a cow. Although I will admit she has a pretty face.”

“You’re the one who’s crazy. Just because you like anorexic women doesn’t mean anything. She’s adorable,” countered Tom.

“I like thin women, not anorexic.” Joe exclaimed defensively

“Tell you what. You go ask her to dance. They have a good band tonight, so the music is good. You wait for a good slow song and take her in your arms. Just tell me you don’t like how she feels,” Tom challenged his friend.

“I am NOT dancing with a fat woman,” declared Joe

“I’ll buy you a beer if you do,” offered Tom

“I’m going to need several beers before I’m going to dance with porky over there,” Joe fumed.

“OK. Let’s have a few and talk for a while. Maybe you can find some girl with a flat chest and no ass to dance with, while I show her what it’s like to dance with a real stud. Then I’ll come back, we’ll have a few more drinks, and you go ask her,” Tom cajoled

“I guess I can try that. Just don’t tell anyone I danced with a fat girl, OK?” Joe agreed reluctantly. The idea of free brewskis appealed to him.

“I won’t tell. But I bet you’ll be bragging about it before the night is over,” exclaimed Tom.

The 2 friends had a few drinks to get started, and then merged into the crowd. Tom went right up to Evelyn, and they started dancing. Joe found a really thin girl, and they started dancing. After a while of dancing with several girls, they met again at the bar.

“It’s a good crowd tonight, don’t you think?” Tom declared.

“Yeah. Lot’s of thin women and that fat cow you were with,” sniffed Joe, who was already having scond thoughts about their agreement. .

“Well, remember our deal. You have to slow dance with her once. Get her in your arms and see what you think,” Tom declared.

“I’m going to need a few more drinks before I’m ready for her,” Joe muttered

“You’re nuts, but let’s see. I think she’s adorable,” replied Tom.

They talked for a while, had a few more drinks, and talked about the girls they saw. Most were pretty good looking, and pretty friendly. They were both having a good time.

“OK, now it’s time for Evelyn,” Tom tld Joe, pushing the envelope.

“She’s the fat one, I guess,” groused Joe, knowing his time had come.

“Would you stop? She’s very nice. And she’s not fat, just a little chubby,” responded Tom.

“OK, I’m off. Wish me luck,” replied Joe.

Joe found Evelyn. She was dancing with someone, but he walked off when the song ended, and he asked her to dance. As luck would have it, the band went into a slow song. He took her hand and put his other hand on her hip.
“It doesn’t feel so bad at all”, he thought. They talked a little, and then the band went into a fast song, and they stayed dancing.

“You’re a really good dancer”, he said.

“You’re a good dancer yourself”, she replied.

They stayed together for a few songs, and then there was another slow song. Joe pulled her in closer this time, with a hand on each hip. He could feel her breasts against his chest, and he liked that a lot. He wrapped one arm around her, and danced very close. He was starting to get aroused with this sexy girl in his arms. She pushed her soft tummy into him and moved against it a little. Joe was beside himself. None of his thin girls ever did that. He wondered if they even could with their flat tummies.

“You can be a bad girl, can’t you?” he smiled effusively.

“But bad girls are the best kinds of girls, don’t you think?” she laughed.

“I do indeed. Look, I have to see my friend, and let’s not let this get too intense the first time we meet. We need to save something for next time. I hope you come here a lot.”

“Fairly often. I would like to see you again. I’m Evelyn, by the way,” she said.

“I’m Joe. I really want to see you again. I will be here next week, and I hope we can dance again before tonight is over.”

“I’ll be here til closing, or pretty close to it,” she said with a smile/

“Me too. I’ll see you again, then,” Joe said, part of him amazed at his own words.

Chapter Two

Joe went back to see Tom. “You were right. She’s really nice, and I really did like the way she feels. I wish I’d known that before. She’s really hot.”

Toim rolled his eyes. “Finally he learns. I’m going back out there for a while, and then I’m going to go.”

“I’m going to stay a while longer. Maybe I’ll dance with all the fat girls,” Joe laughed.

Tom went off and found Evelyn. They had actually met a few weeks before. He had told her about the situation with Joe, and asked her to play along. She was willing. She was always ready to turn a guy on to the pleasures of fat girls. Joe seemed like he could be a good guy, after an attitude adjustment.

They danced a little, then Tom took off. It was about a half hour until closing time, so Evelyn left with him. She wanted to say bye to Joe, but she didn’t see him. Joe looked for her too, but didn’t see her. He decided to try to dance with another fat girl and see what he thought, just as an experiment.

There were only 3. One was about Evelyn’s size, one a little bigger, and one was really huge. He decided to try the middle sized one, and see if it was fat girls in general or just Evelyn that he liked.

Her name was Joan, and she felt very nice, maybe even a little better than Evelyn. They talked a little and got to know each other. She seemed very nice, very friendly and easy to talk to. It was very upsetting to him that he had been wrong for all these years. There’s nothing wrong with a little extra flesh on a girl. In fact, it’s kind of nice.

He was thinking about the really fat girl, but he wasn’t ready for that. There’s plenty of time next week. This week, he figured that Evelyn and Joan were enough. He noticed the really fat girl was dancing, and he looked over at her. He could see her jiggling away, and her huge breasts bouncing like mad. Then the band said they were going to close with a slow song.

He held Joan close as they danced, but kept looking at “fatty”. The guy she was with couldn’t come close to getting his arms around her. Strangely enough, this turned him on. He could see her ripples and folds and wanted to take her in his arms and feel her. Well, time enough for that next week. In the meantime, here was Joan, who he wasn’t paying enough attention to.

“You’re a good dancer. You feel very good in my arms,” he complimented her.

She nodded. “I’ve noticed you here before. I only saw you with these really skinny girls before. I never thought you’d be interested in a girl my size.”

“Actually, I was convinced I was wrong tonight. I always found heavy women unattractive, but I was a fool. I’m really enjoying having you in my arms like this. You feel very nice.”

“Uh oh, so we’ve turned you into an FA”, she laughed.

“What’s an FA?”

“An FA is a Fat Admirer. Guys who are turned on by fat girls, usually the fatter the better. Some of the guys I date these days are FAs. It’s more fun to date a guy who loves how fat I am, instead of just a guy who doesn’t really mind it too much.”

“This is kind of unbelievable. I’m also amazed that you aren’t afraid to say you are fat. Most women would never say that.”

“Well, it’s not like you can’t tell”, she laughed.

“But you aren’t really that fat. In fact, you’re just kind of cute and plump and chubby. There’s a woman over there who is very fat. And yet the guys are lining up to dance with her.”

“That’s Peggy. She’s got the FA crowd hooked”, she giggled. “I’ve danced with most of them, but they consider me too skinny.”

Joe smiled at this. “Just last week I would have thought that was absurd, but my tastes have expanded. You aren’t skinny, but you have a wonderful sexy body. Very attractive indeed.”

She leaned in close and whispered, “How’d you like to really see what it’s like to be with a fat girl? I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I would love to introduce you to the pleasures of fat girl sex.”

“Actually, I kind of have my eye on Peggy. No, no, I’m just kidding. I think I would like that very much. How about if we find a place where we can have a few beers together first?”

“I can do that. I bet all the skinny girls you’re usually with don’t agree to drink beer with you. They’re so afraid of gaining a pound or two. It takes a real woman to do that”, and she gave him a big kiss.

She took his hand, and led him off. “Do you have anything you brought with you?”

“I’m ready to go.”

“Me too. I just brought my bag. My car is in the back.”

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