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My thoughts penned to a friend

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Chandler Bing

Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2007
A healthy Health Care discussion was had over facebook this week and it really got me thinking about what he had meant. He wished to publish an OBit piece in his local paper to the founding fathers for failing them to the "enemy within" and how we've discredited them. Well I actually to that to heart because good or ill...right or wrong..America is still the best country with the largest amount of freedom and prosperity.. and that's been achieved by it's citizens...Liberal, Republican, Libertarian, and the like. From people who were born here and those who chose, I'll say that again, CHOSE to come to this country and earn the right to be a citizen of this country.

So I just started writing in a response to his partisan description to our "failure" or lack there of. Yes I'm of a Conservative mind...I find myself more of a moderate then a "neo Con" or "Bleeding heart hippy Democrat"...sorry I had to use more descriptive words there...so take it as you wish...it's just my thoughts and feelings.. Comment if you like, I don't care either way. But hopefully my words may just have you stop for a second and just remember, this is ONE country of Many people with the freedom of their thoughts and actions. You can love or hate who you wish, go where you wish to go, do anything...or do nothing. And remember that no matter who's side your on..this country has bled, stumbled, and yet Picked herself up for over 200 years...I'm sure that week 1 of Health Care for all won't stop her either....ok enough preamble..my words...

THIS, I feel, is a better way to honor those founding fathers that created the best government and country ever seen on Earth! It was not founded on the rule of family nor dictatorship. Nor was it created through weakening counsel or incredible expanse beyond their control. No it was created through sweat, determination, sacrifice, and yes, at time blood. But those were the necessary ingredients when looking at the desired outcome of freedom.
It was for the Freedom of choice, freedom of speech, and freedom from tyrants and rulers who looked down from seats thousands of miles away; not knowing or caring about the issues and burdens put upon the people of the new world. On July 4th, 1776, those same men stood united and signed the most important document known to Man since the bible. Knowing that they could be signing their own death warrants, they still believed that this sacrifice was worthy of the result. On that day, North America territories adopted a unified stance and separated from the rule of Britain. The following is THEIR words; and they speak stronger then any interpretation that I can provide you:
“We, therefore, the Representatives of the United States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these united Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States, that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. — And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.”
Move forward in time to September 17th, 1787 Conventioneers met again to sign the THIRD most important document for your fledgling nation. This is the third document because it was grown from the Articles of Confederation which was created in 1777. But with time, energy, debate, and decision this new Article; this CONSTITUTION; provided the blueprint for our country that we still rely on each and every day. It’s a pillar, a beacon that lights the course for our country.
It is steadfast and resolute and it is timeless as the Preamble of this document states, the words echo in the minds and hearts of every American, no matter their creed, color, or status.
“WE the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

Move forward another 223 years to today, March 24, 2010, and where do we find ourselves? What can be seen from history’s window at the world at this moment? We've had wars, Rights were given to citizens regardless of gender or color, We walked on the moon, and we've save millions of lives though acts of kindness after tragedy. Now some of us say that it our government has left the ideals those men penned, others would say the core ideals are present, but has to be viewed through broader strokes to be relevant for our, now global, world view. Who is right? Who is wrong?

Progress must be allowed. America has grown, her children flourished, and her elements of freedom have touched parts of the world never before expected. Now this influence has not been without cost. Some debate over if an action must be done or should be done; and what would the results be. Over the past few decades there have been monumental advances with technology and production. America has see prosperity and decline, an ebb and flow that are inherent to a government’s function, and a nation’s existence. But I’ll ask again, at what cost?

This past Sunday one of those great debates reached a milestone. Now how one views this milestone is of opinion and design, but it has happened. Now comes the next question; is the result worth the sacrifice? Many have stated that this outcome was moved forward without regard to that sacred document I mentioned earlier. That our government has become out of touch with her people. That they reach too far into the homes of the American public. That this Bill, now Law, has made a mockery of the amendments written on that paper on display. That the legislators and politicians have their ears and ideals wrapped around the fingers of special interest groups and activists who are trying to force a regime change promised by The President of the United States. They say the cost is too great on a nation that has a history is mismanaged major programs before during a time of astronomical deficits and stretched resources; both material and human. They call it Socialism, They call it unconstitutional, and they say it’s wrong.

But I’ll ask the question again, at what cost?

Reform of the largest social issue hitting this country for the past 40 plus years has resulted in the establishment of support for millions of fellow countrymen; a chance to provide some sort of relief to those who try their best to have those freedoms afforded to all CITIZENS of our country. They are men and women, families, elderly who struggle each and every day to support themselves and those they live and love. They could work two to three jobs in hopes to make ends meet while trying to maintain a standard of life in a time of rising costs. They struggle to advance themselves with education and hard work and push back the stigma of being “deadbeats” or “social cases” hoping to take and not give. Some may have made mistakes in their lives, as all humans, do and are dealing with the results of their actions; they only look for that extra boost to get things moving again.
Coverage costs have increased almost annually as medical specialties and education increase, malpractice suits continue to be submitted for mistakes, Medical professionals are in constant demand and see their physicians burn themselves out. It is an ironic thing to say that our country’s medical area, while the best in the world, is still “sick.”

So is this reform the first step in changing the face of our country’s medical plight? We may not know as states submit documentation to the Supreme Court denouncing this law, stating that no government may force its citizens to procure a product or service. It’s one of many deeply emotional and dividing issues that continue to boil in the blood of America’s citizens.
With issues such as immigration reform, education, National defense against a term vice a person or nation, and the distinction of a person’s sex, race, and creed still are discussed in circles from the main venues in metropolitan cities to the main streets of rural America. One has to look back and see that window to the 1700s. To men grouped around a table discussing ideals the morals of a virgin nation held by the unifying belief of One GOD and resisting the oppression of an unjust monarchy. How would they handle the questions of today? Would they be dumbfounded over the institutionalization of being “PC” in society’s vivid life? Could they see the need for groups such as SEIU, NRA, ACLU and many others? Can any man fathom the cost of running a nation in the year of 2010? Should we continue to ask “What Would Washington Do?”
Or is this the time to take the core ideals from these great visionaries, these caregivers of this great country, and allow a natural evolution to take place.

Can the United States evolve? I believe the answer to this question is yes.
Our nation has become a standard for many things through the world. Our society has reached nearly every foot of sand, rock, tree, and street and we continue to reach for the stars. The country has stumbled in her great path at times, but has always recovered.

I close these thoughts with this. I never intended to tell you, the reader, what the right answer is over a Bill, Law, or Action. That is of your opinion and yours alone. My thoughts were to the original aspect of this letter Bob G
wrote. His feelings are pretty clear on how the “enemy within” had corrupted their ideals and their goal of a more perfect union. I want to thank Bob for including me, and you, in this discussion over the past week because it really made me curious and really think about what my country has become.

Our debates over legal rights, personal responsibility, individual privacy and choice, and the sanctity of human life fueled my mind to force to look beyond the “black or white” aspect of this issue and many others; and try to put myself in the shoes of many people. I’m afraid that my answers only provide more questions that strike at my logical and emotional centers. The result of my soul searching and research lead to this conclusion; that it’s the path we walk that honors these founding fathers. Right or wrong, Left or Right, success or failure; it’s the ABILITY for WE THE PEOPLE to choose our country’s course. That is the true gift and honor we provide men such as Washington, Jefferson, Addams, Lincoln, Roosevelt, and many more. They have all worn the mantel of “fathers” for this nation. We have not, nor will ever, return to a country ruled by another cause THAT would be the greatest failure to these great men. The United States will continue beyond any and all obstacles presented to her. She will walk on with her head high and her back straight because her children, her CITIZENS, will never let her fall. Though they may bicker and fight and spit, America’s glory will shine on as the sound of her Anthem rings and the voice says united “With LIBERTY and JUSTICE for ALL.”

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