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Active Member
Jul 12, 2006
Hi, all. I hate introduction posts, as most of the ones I write always seem to have this sleazy-uncle come on aspect to it. So I figured that I'd take the straightforward approach and hit the big items:

By the numbers and stats: 33, 5'11, 325 pounds (or roundabouts), long hair, facial hair (styles vary), glasses, a few tattoos, and a piercing.

By the fashion: I like to dress casually. Jeans, t-shirts, and printed shirts. I'm not loathe to wearing shoes, as friends suggest, I just find sandals to be more comfortable. When I have to wear shoes, I lean towards Chucks or workboots. My dress philosophy is to use what I have. I like t-shirts with slogans and sayings. I like print shirts that command the attention of a crowd--I'm a big man, and I want to make my presence known. ;)

By the politics and spirituality: I tend to go rather left leaning on things. Likewise, my spiritual side leans towards paganism and shamanism. I do a lot of work with totems.

By the personality: Think about the word "geek." I have the look, and I've got the hobbies to match. I own a gaming shop in Sanford (north Orlando), so you can see where this is going... I'm a gamer, into CCGs (Magic: The Gathering, Vs, Yu-gi-oh), RPGs (Dungeons and Dragons, Shadowrun), miniatures (Heroclix), and video games. I'm a World of Warcraft addict. I have a bookcase full of DVDs. I'm a big anime fan (current fave: Mythical Detective Loki Ragnarok) and spend most of my TV time on Adult Swim. I collect comics, and did some publishing in the 1990's, and keep trying to prop myself up for a relaunch. My big "drug" is music. I've got about 500 CDs in my collection, some dating back to their original 80's pressings. Though I have various subgenre niches, my tastes lie in J-pop, punk, and new wave. I rarely let a day go by without listening to music. Having XM radio in my Element makes this much easier. CD player, XM radio, and Ipod wired in--no, no music addiction here. ;)

I'm an adventurer and dreamer by nature. I guess that's why I started writing comics--both to try and project those dreams onto paper and readers' minds and to try and embark on the big adventure of producing comics. I realized early in life that we're getting one swing through life's park (at least in our given essence configuration), so we need to make the most of what time we've got here. My greatest nightmare is that I'll be on my deathbed somewhere, spouting off a list of regrets. Impulsive is a word I hear often associated with me. In college, I'd go on spontaneous road trps. As an adult, I'd fly off to Wal Mart just to people watch and shop for wierd things.

By the body: I was always fat. Fat kid, fat teen, fat adult. My parents put me on the Scarsdale Diet when I was seven, which put me on the rollercoaster. As an adult, I tried losing a few times, but always ended up bouncing back. These days, I'm working with my body. Life's easier when you go with the flow, right?

By the trade: I'm an English teacher, both high school and college. Few things in life are as cool as seeing a young person think and work through a problem, then finally "get it."

And now, some pics.....

My current look
My current look
My current look
My current look
My current look
My current look

The "backup" look
The "backup" look
The "backup" look
The "backup" look

The "red shirt" series
The "red shirt" series
The "red shirt" series
The "red shirt" series

And finally, a little skin.....

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