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Size Prose- Bringers of War (Prejudice and Petty Corruption)

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Sep 30, 2005
Los Angeles, California
Warning: 2700 word SCCHHHHH-Myspace blog !!! AY!!!!!!! :p

Size Prose- Bringers of War (Prejudice and Petty Corruption)- The "A Fat Rant" expansion blog

If you have looked at my profile, you might have noticed I have made a few changes. A few changes are the addition of my "I Support Size Acceptance" tag, and a display of Joy Nash's video "A Fat Rant."

Joy posted it on myspace and youtube. I caught the youtube version. Right now there is around 4000 comments. I left around 100 or so. :p

There were people on both sides of the debate, but the majority were "Weight Bigots."

If Joy's video were bias, I might not have stepped in to say anything, but it wasn't. The tone was almost neutral, and the message was more pro Fat/Size Acceptance than simply pro fat.

That is one of the reasons I stepped in. I did my share of refutations, and I also did some "Counter-Flaming" (I.e. "Joy is fat and ugly." "Is being bias and moronic any better?"). I felt it was right to give my support (With a tone that sounded somewhat like vengeance [Which is why some of the bigots assumed that I had to be fat due to my fervor]).

It was the first time in my life I heard of people saying that the thin people that were there giving support to fat people and equality (Yes… EQUALITY) were worse than the fat people in question. How much sense does that make? :confused:

I got in a few good bouts. One of them was with a fat-hating Nurse. I got the usual bias comments (Things along the lines of "Fat people are an abomination. It is socially irresponsible for them to be this way. Fat is unhealthy in all cases. Fat blah blah I'm bias blah blah blah blah….)

I wouldn't bring the person in question up, but they get off on getting the last word. My username came up in many instances that were unrelated to our argument. Therefore: I'm not done yet.

First off: I thought you had to be empathic to be an RN.

I think it is really funny that the person in question attempted to use the fact that I'm a Fat Admirer (Of which they used the more pejorative term "Chubby Chaser") as a point of attack against my refutations.

This is an example of what the person in question does:

I'm going to be bias and twist science, so that it sounds as if I'm right in addition to adding jargon, so that I sound intelligent. I don't need to refute my opponent's point if I do that. Directly insulting them (And the way they applied their point) works better than refutations any day.

---Medical Science-----------------

Medical Science proves that being overweight makes one more susceptible to certain conditions. It also can lead to added pressure on the heart and joints. That happens to a large number of overweight people.

As for the other diseases- x% can get, x% are at risk for…

Added pressure on the heart and joints… What else is there to get in the way? The numbers are pointing towards the overweight person that has a healthy lifestyle for the majority of their life will only lose a few days overall in the world. Studies are also stating the RISKS at getting diseases may not be there as well! It is becoming more of a lifestyle fight than a weight fight!

Fat haters that use their brains could at least agree with me that saying fat as unhealthy is subjective.

Does being thin make one immune to these diseases? No…

Medical Science also states that there are diseases that make Overweight/Obesity extremely easy to get. PCOS is a good example… It affects about 10% of women. One of the effects is DRAMATICALLY lowered metabolism.

Low metabolism= Incredibly easy weight maintenance/gain

Risks shouldn't be a reason to scare someone away from something (Especially if the person in question is living a healthy lifestyle). That lifestyle includes such things as a well-balanced diet, and physical activity.

I heard some weird comments, like:
"Real women have curves."

"Real women have brains. Thin women have curves, and fat women are just shapeless blobs."

Really? Where do curves come from? They sure as hell don't come from muscle or bone. The human body can't live without fat either.

We are all different.

We have different builds- Apple, Pears, mesomorph, endomorph, ectomorph et cetera… We all respond differently to stimuli. It's not as simple as saying thin is healthier than overweight all the time. That statement is not true at all. Especially for people who are heavy due IN PART to:

Genetics- Genetics play a vital role in the body that one is given.

My shape is more towards the thin, tall, with long limbs build. I have perks like flexibility and light limbs, but I have flaws like less ability to gain weight.

My brother is more towards the short, muscular, with average limbs build. He has perks like his natural ability to gain muscle, but he also has flaws like lower flexibility.

We are tied by blood. We both got different cards from the DNA deck. Builds, weight, and genetics are still not determinants of ability.

I'm more flexible than my brother. Does that mean he can't kick well? No.

My brother is stronger than me. Does that mean my strikes don't hurt? They hurt less in part due to the fact that I don't train as hard as he does, but I'd love to see someone say a direct hit from one of my axe kicks just "Stings a little."

When people use the word genetics in this debate, fat haters tend to say it is some cop-out to not exercise. It is not a cop-out: It's one of the many reasons that some people are larger than others. That is simply a characteristic: It's not a badge of death. It also doesn't mean people shouldn't exercise. Many people that do, however, should change their outlook.

I would not be concerned with this whole weight debate if the medical community and the government changed their views. It is my opinion that things such as ability should be keys to determining health.

If I can't do pushup anymore: I will be hurt.

If my arms are flabby, but I can do 58 without trouble, I don't really give a shit what they look like. The look means that I don't appeal to SOME people. It doesn't mean I am unhealthy.

Everyone is giving in to this ideal that combines a certain aesthetic with the skewing of medical data. It's bullshit! Where there is a flaw or perk, there is someone that adores/hates it. You don't believe me? Locate a Fat Admiration board, and tell me if you can't find an FA that hates thin women.

I don't hate thin women by the way. That's just an example… :D

We all respond differently to added weight as well. It's not as simple as X gains/loses weight and is more unhealthy/healthy. I might gain weight and respond poorly, but my friend Y may not. The people in question also may or may not have healthy lifestyles. Does that mean they will respond poorly to it? No.... It's all subjective. Added weight isn't like a direct injection of Hepatitis: It has the ability to be expressed many different ways.


Many fat haters deem that their comments filled with slander, bigotry, and bias will motivate people to lose weight. Psychology refutes that by saying depending on certain situations, negative feedback such as that is ineffective. This is another one of those situations.

There are certain situations by which negative feedback can work well, but telling someone they need to lose weight because it doesn't please you is useless.

What if it was Martial Arts?

"Man do your roundhouse kicks suck today Jon."
"Put the focus mitt down. Let me kick you in your head. If it doesn't hurt, your comment will have some validity."

It's the same concept! Saying those comments won't do anything.
"Lose weight fatty."

"Get a brain so you can think for yourself. Idiot…"

I'm not saying you shouldn't voice your opinion, but have some tact.

In other words: Act like you've got some GODD**** sense!

Probably one of the craziest things I've heard in awhile is a principle from the Nurse:

Due to her bias, many people express how fat and healthy they are/thin and unhealthy they are. The Nurse attempted to refute these people by saying being SPECIFIC is not as good as being general. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!?!?!?? BEING GENERAL IS BETTER THAN BEING SPECIFIC!?!? That's like saying science is less valid than judgment!

Science makes conclusions based off of results from data: They aren't making generalizations!!!!!

People that know about Psychology might know about "Defense Mechanisms." One defense mechanism used by many is "Rationalization." Rather than one saying they are wrong, they come up with some elaborate statement to explain the problem. A generalization is 45 degrees away from a rationalization. It's being prejudice, bias, in addition not getting any true data on the matter at hand.

Is fat a choice? I'm not one to say whether or not it is. I am one to say one instance when it is not a choice, however:

Fat is not a choice when bigots tag an entire group of people as getting the way they are due to unhealthy eating and lack of exercise (Of which they stay that way because they keep that lifestyle). When one makes a judgment like that, there is no perspective. Science and human morality counters that judgment. Fat isn't a choice when fat haters pass a judgment. If you don't get a true perspective, you're doing nothing more than passing judgment. Don't judge a book, because you're not the fucking judge.

Fat also isn't a choice when fat haters insert unrelated stigmas on that group as well. The people in question are fat: Fat is a characteristic. It doesn't mean someone is stinky, ugly, undisciplined, stupid, or lazy. If that's the reason you hate fat people: You're a bigot. Case closed…

It's funny that when I generalize all fat haters as a bunch of intolerant morons, they get angry, and say what I'm doing is wrong. They do the same thing to fat people, yet they think bigotry is honorable.

You know why my views are so strong? You know why my Non-Exclusive Fat Admiration is just? It's more than just an issue of admiration. It's also about equality and acceptance. I became a Fat Admirer in part because I felt that fat hatred is just another prejudice. I thought to myself "Why must I keep this weighing down my potential?" Fat Admiration grew with me in part due to me finding larger women attractive in addition to: Reaching a new level of acceptance and equality.

I find it highly impractical that people say things like "Fat reflects how a person is. I won't date a fat chick because it means she's lazy, and doesn't take care of herself." We all have things that we prefer, but why brand someone for having a different preference? What is the point? I like larger women, but I'm still open to thinner women. I could care less if you continue to prefer thinner partners as you read this, but attacking my preference won't get you anywhere.

If this world were truly neutral, if weight was never an issue on either side, I would never feel the need to voice my opinion. Because this isn't true, I speak on behalf of equality. Because fat people are slandered much more than average weight and thinner people, I feel as if it is right for me to express Fat Acceptance as strongly (And sometimes stronger) as I preach equality.

This debate goes farther than just weight as well.

I actually wasn't going to write this blog, but some idiot said that because I'm not full-blooded African American, full-blooded Puerto Rican, or full- blooded Native American, my skin tone makes me a terrorist.

Racial injustice has been around for ages. Only recently have we made much progress in stopping direct action based on that injustice from happening. People still share these hateful views, but there are now many laws and principles that stop major expressions of these injustices from happening.

Racism… Weight Bigotry… Gay Hatred…(Insert Prejudice Here)

Is that kind of thinking any better than terrorism? Rather than hating one person in a certain group of people, one generalizes a whole group of people as having certain personalities, views, dispositions, and more. They do that without getting any perspective on a certain person from a certain group. What's the point? Does it make one feel better, because they think they are better? It sounds more like Mental Terrorism to me.

I'm part black.

Is that supposed to make me a criminal? Does that mean the only genre of music I listen to is Rap? Does that mean I'm suppose to have a certain personality and way of speaking? No…. *Shakes head to Electro House*

I'm a Fat Admirer and a Dormant Size Activist.

Is every fat person unhealthy? Am I trying to say every fat person is healthy? No… I'm saying we are all different. Even if someone is unhealthy, It's better to have a "Leave them be" attitude than being like the Nurse and saying fat is a social irresponsibility of which we should eradicate the presence of fat people with emergency liposuction and/or GBS.

I am straight, but I accept gays and lesbians as equals.

Does being gay mean one can't be a Christian? No… Even if the bible professes disapproval for something such as that Sexual Preference, that has nothing to do with religious praise. That preference isn't a reflection on their ability to be a good Christian.

The fact that someone doesn't support gays doesn't mean they should feel apprehensive about sitting near someone who is gay either. That is something completely different. Again, I'm not saying one shouldn't voice their opinion, but you should at the least pick your spots and be tactful. If you're playing dominoes with a gay person, why would that be a reason for you to stop playing? If you're in church with a gay person, don't you think it is a bit rude to say you're a better Christian because you're straight? Isn't it also rude to proclaim the person in question is packing their picnic basket for an afterlife in hell?

One of the fat haters (Whom I actually have some respect for) sent me a message on youtube calling me a fanatic (In addition to claiming that I must be fat to have such intense views).

I replied. At the end of the reply, I put "Call me a fanatic all you want. You're still a bigot."

He replied with "Aren't we all?"

I'm an Equality-Fanatic. I am not a bigot. Everyone is equal until I get to know him or her personally. We are all guilty in the past for such thinking (And slipping up sometimes [Which isn't a problem as long as the views are not long term]), but it is really easy to change your views or resist acting upon your judgment.

I'm a Christian. I am pro-choice. Depending on how the person in question responds to my views, I may reply (Or refute), or I might insult them for being so intolerant. It's an endless cycle, but I am always choosy.

"I love fat chicks."
"Ur queer then."

I was not a part of that comment war on youtube, but had I been a part of it, I might have responded with "Using a prejudice to express another prejudice? That makes less sense than your inability to spell out words." If the person said "Sorry. That's not my thing," I would have not said anything.

So what should you have absorbed from this?
- We are all different. Acting negatively upon a judgment is pointless.

-Fat is a characteristic. The weight isn't a determinant of anything.

-Fat hatred is bigotry. You don't have to listen to my words of equality, but points like "Fat is avoidable, therefore stigmatization is valid" do not counter the fact that it is a prejudice. It is wrong any way you slice it.

-Outer appearances are not determinants of anything. The way someone looks is not a valid way of shaping how he or she is.

- Stop putting stigmas on people that you are intolerant of. They are only applications of generalizations.

- Voice your opinion, but try to be at least somewhat nice. At least in instances such as these. :p

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