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Looking Slightly Off-center Male Seeks Quirky and Sweet Female

Dimensions Magazine

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Nov 10, 2019
Age: 37
Height: 5ft 8 in (approx)
Weight: Approx. 200 pounds
Gender: male (no confusion--a miracle these days)
Orientation: completely straight
Hair: longish dark brown
Eyes: brown
Location: Fargo, North Dakota, area
Willing to relocate: maybe

These are always a little difficult. I mean how do you write one of these things without sounding too much like an egocentric jerk? Or, in the other direction, making yourself sound too icky for anyone to respond.

I guess I'll do what I always do and just let the words flow from my fingers. I'm going to talk about myself, and if I resonate with a woman, she can respond. Not going to list a bunch of qualities a woman must or must not have. I'm just going to ramble and see what happens.

Probably the first important thing to know about me is that my ultimate goal is to have a nice, quiet, settled life. I've had enough adventure and excitement to last two lifetimes. A house, high speed Internet, some nice toys. And of course, a good woman with whom to share it all.

In the interest of full disclosure, I am not the kind of guy women dream about. I'm not that tall. I don't have a beard or a mustache. I don't have a billion tats. I don't have any cool earrings. I don't drive a motorcycle. And, most importantly, I'm not and don't want to be rich. I'm not a baaaaaad boy or a millionaire. I mean, no judgement if a woman likes that kind of thing. We all like what we like. And if a woman likes fast-paced, bad boys, I'm not it. Dark and broody, yes--to a fault sometimes. I tend to withdraw into myself from time to time. I'm not what you'd call the happiest guy on the planet. Usually all I need is to be wrapped around and shown I'm cared about to pull me from these spells. Don't poke and pry trying to figure out what's wrong, because oftentimes, I have no clue. And all the poking and prying just makes me withdraw more, which leads to bad feelings, which leads to ... Well, you get the idea. It's not good.

I'm not terribly interested in traveling the world, either. Everywhere you go is just another place the residents want to leave. Plus, it's just too much hassle.

I'm a reader. I'd rather be reading a book than watching TV. I also write. Sort of. I've got a finished novel in the drawer, but I'm not sure what I'll do with it. There's also a bunch of online fiction I've done, and if interested I can provide links. These little gems might give you more of an insight into my character than I probably want, but oh well. Every writer
Puts something of him or herself into their works, whether they likes it or not.

Cooking is a passion of mine. I love to cook for my significant other, and I suppose that makes me sort of a feeder. As I've mentioned in another place here, I like it when my S.O. Asks for seconds and doesn't go, "Oh wow, I shouldn't eat that because..."

I'm currently in school for a legal administrative assistant certificate. I don't know if I want to go full paralegal, however. Just hiding in the back office managing documents and filing is a perfect job for me. I'm not a big people person.

So, that's me in a nutshell. For avenues of communication, I have Google Hangouts, Telegram, Skype, and of course good old phone calls. If I resonate with you at all, do not hesitate to contact me.