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The Contract (~BBW, ~MWG, Fantasy)

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Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2005
~BBW, ~MWG, Fantasy - A tale of arranged marriage and what a lass will do to secure the affection of her man - set in the land of Scots, a long time ago...


[Author's Note:] Marie Antionette wed Louis in 1769, she was 14 at the time. Arranged marriages were the norm for the landed class from the dark ages until the mid 1800's in Europe (and still practiced in some third world countries today - legally or otherwise). It was customary for the females to be married off as soon as they came "of age" (meaning once they began their monthly cycle). The sooner the better, as she would therefore no longer be a financial burden to the household (and as compensation, the family of the female gave the male's family a dowry).

This story takes place in the late 800's (as referenced to by the Viking invasion). In that period of history the life expectancy was barely 40 years, therefore wedding while in your teens made perfect sense as you were already 1/3 through your life.

The age of the main female character in this story has been changed to conform with the sites' position in regards to underage sex. This will explain why a young woman of 18 "has still not seen the flower of full womanhood". Her youth and potential for fuller development are necessary plot devices, but those are set aside here for the sake of propriety.

It is my hope that you will enjoy the story regardless.

Part 1

Robert was hunting boar when he heard the commotion. Little William, the blacksmiths' son was running up the lee side of the hill shouting "Master Robert, Master Robert, where are you?"

Sighing, Robert dropped his bow to his side. Well, if there was a boar in the area he's gone to ground for sure now. He walked to the crest of the hill and called out to the boy "If'n it's me you are looking for, it's me you've found. Now get up here and tell me what is so important that you've scared all the game away."

William, a boy of twelve came tearing up the hill as fast as his young legs would carry him. When he arrived he began to blurt out something, but as he was sorely winded Robert bade him wait. Finally the boy got his air back and was able to begin "Sir, your father commanded me to fetch you."

Well there's a cryptic message if ever there was one, Robert thought. "Did he say why, boy?"

"Nay, sir. Only that I should tell you that he wished to see you."

"And did he say when he might wish to see me?" Robert asked, bemused.

"Again, nay sir. I only know that he told the steward, who told my father, who told me that I should seek you out and give you the message."

"Oh, in that I must say 'well done' William. For indeed you have sought me out and given me the message, such as it is. I suppose I will follow you back to Stonekeep then."

"Right sir! Thank you sir!" the boy beamed.

As they walked across the many hills and valleys that comprised much of the land his family simply called "the vale" Robert wondered what all the fuss was about. He had a pretty good idea why his father wished to see him, but he didn't understand the urgency. Perhaps, as usual, the message was garbled and a simple "I wish to see my son", which meant that if the steward or anyone else came by Robert they were to make the wish known, became, in their zeal to please the master of the house, go and find Robert immediately, at all cost.

Being the eldest son of clan Lambert, Robert, soon to be eighteen, was well aware of the respect and admiration in which the peasants held his family. The clan was the protectors of not only the servants of the keep, but all the peasants and villagers of the vale. The Lambert's were lord over all the land stretching from the far edge of the dark forest to the west, clear to the sea in the east. The northern border was the barrens at the foot of the crescent mountains and to the south the southern shore of Loch Laird. In all a sizeable holding, and one of the largest of all the clans. Robert knew of course that with the governing of such an expanse came responsibility and he was quite sure that this was what his father wished to speak about.

Robert had the misfortune as eldest and heir to be honor bound by tradition to become a pawn in a centuries old game of merger and acquisition, for allegiances had always been forged by marriage. Robert, a rakish, good looking youth, tall and well muscled, was well sought after by several of the smaller houses wishing to align themselves with the clan Lambert.

As they approached the keep Robert wondered which family had finally come up with an offer that his father couldn't refuse. He hoped that the MacTeagues were in the running, though he doubted that they had the resources to offer. Still, the eldest daughter was enough of a resource to Robert's eye. Aye, she was a beauty, that one. Of medium height with flaming auburn hair that fell in waves well down the backside of her voluptuous body. There was a cornucopia of delight in her ample bosom and her hips were wide and no doubt made for pleasure.

Robert knew of what he was speaking in that regard, as although traditions prohibited his forays into the skirts of the noblewomen, he had sown his oats many a time at the village pub, sampling a plainer yet just as delightful fare. Aye, many a time he and his friends had gone a wenching, and many a time had Robert shared the sheets with young barmaids and the like.

His friends were oft times amused as it seemed that Robert, with his wavy black hair and his fine features and wit could have his choice of the girls who swarmed around their table like bees around a nest, yet always seemed to choose not the pick of the litter, but a maid of a more ample build. Yes, it seemed that a maid without porcelain skin or fine features could still lure Robert with a swell of bosom or the shaking of an ample bum.

Angus Ferguson, Robert's closest chum remarked just that on more than one occasion. To which Robert replied, "You can keep your skinny girls with their boyish charms my friend. I would much rather lie down amidst soft pillows than grind bone upon bone."

To which Angus would chortle and reply something of the ilk of, "Best be careful, my friend, lest in her excitement fair hefty maid squash ye like a bug."

A toast and swig of ale followed as Robert happily took the ribbing, for he knew nothing grander than the sight of heavy melons swaying as a bountiful lass rode his May pole while his fingers dug into the softness of her fleshy hips. Aye, to feel the silky softness and explore the folds of their rounds bellies, and then to feel the well padded thighs wrap themselves around him; that was what made the chase so sweet.

As they walked under the portico of the keep's great gate he released young William, bidding him return to his father. He then strode across the courtyard, which hummed with activity as the spring harvest approached. He passed the kitchen, primarily for a bite of salted beef, but secretly hoping to catch a glimpse of Maggie, the cooks' daughter. She was a fine one, that Maggie, well fed, as befitting the cook's daughter, but so round and plump it took Robert's breath away. Aye, he could remember every time he had come around the corner just in time to see her bending to check on something cooking in the ovens. My, what a fine large bum she had! Like a large cleft apple the cheeks filling the back of her dress. Oh wouldn't it be grand to come up from behind, raise her skirts and press himself against such a wonder? Alas, while he was in this state of pre-matrimony he could not allow himself this pleasure. But in time; oh yes, he would have his way with fair Maggie. He imagined spending countless hours seeking and receiving her comforts.

To his annoyance Maggie was elsewhere occupied, so Robert snatched a strip of beef and headed for his father's study, whereupon he announced himself and was ushered in. Seating himself in one of the overstuffed sheepskin chairs Robert eyed his father and waited in silence for his father to commence the discourse.

After what seemed an interminably long time his father put down his quill pen, arched his back, took a deep breath and began. "I'm sure you are aware that your eighteenth birthday is fast approaching and as such I've been entertaining offers for your matrimony."

Robert shook his head, "Of course father. Have you found one to be satisfactory?"

"Aye, that I have lad, a right fair offer indeed." His father steepled his fingers and arched his brow, obviously enjoying drawing out the moment.

Robert held his breath, hoping on hope that somehow the MacTeagues had come up with a presentable offer. He closed his eyes for a moment and saw young Mary dressed all in her finery as when last he saw her; her bodice straining to reign in her unruly bosom and her thick waist filling her silk dress to bursting. He could taste her, such was the imagery. Oh what a time they would have.

Robert's father cleared his throat, which brought Robert back from his reverie. "I'm sure you are aware of clan Montgomerie?"

"Of course father. Theirs is the plot that abuts our own from where the forest meets the loch."

"Aye, and so it is!" His father grinned. "Now I know that the Montgomeries' are a solitary lot. We nay ever see them even though their land contacts our own. However, they have a daughter of eighteen years and are quite willing to merge their land with our own."

"By merger you mean" Robert began.

"Exactly!" his father crowed. “By right of marriage to their daughter you son, my heir, will inherit lordship over their lands. In time you and your heirs will rule over the largest and wealthiest tract in all the land."

"Aye father, I've been across their lands. While smaller than our own it appears to be a land rich in soil. The townspeople are well fed and cheerful. They should be easy to govern." Robert well remembered the townsfolk, especially certain barmaids who were nothing if not overly friendly and exceedingly well fed. His loins stirred at the thought that his future bride would no doubt mirror the appetites of these bar wenches. Yes, dame fortune was indeed smiling on him, for not only was he soon to be even richer than his clan was now, but he would have a fat and sassy wife to serve his every need. He smiled across at his father and nodded "an excellent choice father."

"I well thought you'd see it so" his father chortled. "We shall make the announcements and begin construction of your manor. I have selected a plot just in front of the weir wood, on the west bank of the loch. As this has strategic location to both lands I'm sure my plans will meet with your approval."

"Aye father, as usual you have thought of everything" Robert grinned.

"Good then lad. In a fortnight we shall have a gala that will not only formally announce your betrothal but give you a glimpse of your future bride as well. Now, get thee gone, I've several missives to write before sundown."

Robert rose, bowed and made his exit, barely containing his glee.


A similar meeting had commenced on the other side of the loch. Axel Montgomerie, a quiet studious man yet wielder of a stern hand when it came to the overseeing of all the affairs of his holdings, bade his young daughter be seated. He gazed at his young flower, yet a bud awaiting the sunlight of time to achieve full bloom. He sighed. Ach, he wished that this opportunity could have waited a year or so. But in his heart and soul he knew that this opportunity to ally themselves with the mighty Lamberts could not be put on hold. No, he must strike now to guarantee the preservation of their fertile land, not only from outside attack but from incursions from a far closer source: the clan Lambert themselves, for it had been long rumored that the Lamberts had coveted their rich farm lands. Unfortunately farmers do not make good warriors, so Axel had to forfeit his favorite daughter to insure a lasting peace for his people.

How could he explain all this to his daughter, and would she understand it all anyway? No, better to just fall back on tradition and write off the sale of his daughter to the way in which things have always been done. Still, the words tasted bitter on his tongue as he spewed them, seeing the stoic continence of his fair daughter crack around the edges. Gad, wasn't she too young to be entertaining thoughts of true love? No, that wasn't it at all. She was too young period and was merely contemplating the reality of having to leave Windhaven for the unknown. Aye, surely that would be enough to scare any lass.

Axel tried to console his daughter, telling her that such a marriage was quite an honor and that her wedding would surely be a grand spectacle, worthy of a bard's tale and a madrigal's song. Kate brightened at this, and smiled further when her father promised that she could return to visit Windhaven as often as she pleased, provided that she in turn proved pleasing to her husband to be.

Kate dreamed of a tall strong man with long shiny black hair who would protect her and show her nothing but love and respect. Strangely enough, that man looked incredibly like Robert Lambert, a man she had yet to meet.

Kate's mother, upon hearing of her daughters' engagement called Kate to her room to discuss a few pertinent facts of life. Having dispensed with the birds and bees Kate's mother came to the important part; what to expect from a man. She informed her daughter that it was a woman's lot, as the weaker sex, to make a happy nest for the man, making sure that he is comfortable and that his home is his domain; a place where he ruled absolute. In return for this favor the woman would receive food and shelter. That was all that a woman could expect from a man and if by some chance she also found love and was respected by a man then that was a gift and certainly not a woman's right.

Kate, ever the dutiful daughter nodded her head and told her mother that she understood.
"Good" her mother informed her "daydreams and fantasies can only lead to disappointment and harm, so's best to have done with it and be satisfied with your lot. You will always be far better off than the peasants out in the fields working their hands to the bone and dying at a young age. Be practical and thankful that you've a roof over your head and a full belly. 'Tis nothing worse than shivering in the rain or going to bed with hunger gnawing at your insides. Just remember that, my little one, and everything else will be as will be."

The interview went on as Kate tried hard to digest the lessons that her mother was imparting. Different ways to pleasure a man, how to make a man desire you, how to dress for formal occasions; all important things that Kate, as the soon to be Lady of the household would need to know. Kate took it all in, nodding vigorously, knowing in her heart that she would become the perfect wife for Robert Lambert, whoever he may be.

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