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The IM of Two Very Fat n Happy Girls

Dimensions Magazine

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Sep 29, 2005
, Female
I thought you'd guys would get a kick out of this LOL

Fat Hugs,
Heather :eat1:

BigCutieSable [7:35 P.M.]:* hey hun
HeatherBBW [7:35 P.M.]:* hey
BigCutieSable [7:38 P.M.]:* i just wanted to know, whats been decided on for vaca
BigCutieSable [7:39 P.M.]:* or should i call you?...i never know you are such a busy person
HeatherBBW [7:39 P.M.]:* jess' friend got*hurt and she couldn't come yesterday
HeatherBBW [7:40 P.M.]:* I just woke up let me call her
BigCutieSable [7:40 P.M.]:* oh ok...no biggy just checkin in is all
BigCutieSable [7:40 P.M.]:* no rush hun
HeatherBBW [7:43 P.M.]:* sec
BigCutieSable [7:43 P.M.]:* okie dokie
HeatherBBW [7:49 P.M.]:* she isn't home to ask whats up
BigCutieSable [7:49 P.M.]:* no biggy
HeatherBBW [7:50 P.M.]:* I will try to get with her tonite and let you know either way
BigCutieSable [7:50 P.M.]:* thats cool
BigCutieSable [7:50 P.M.]:* im soooo psyched!!
HeatherBBW [7:52 P.M.]:* hehe
BigCutieSable [8:03 P.M.]:* OMFG...did i ever mention just how much i love Ben & Jerry's?...lol
BigCutieSable [8:09 P.M.]:* sorry....just living in the moment...just me and my pint
HeatherBBW [8:09 P.M.]:* LMAO
HeatherBBW [8:10 P.M.]:* what flavor?
BigCutieSable [8:10 P.M.]:* choc fudge brownie
HeatherBBW [8:10 P.M.]:* yuk
BigCutieSable [8:10 P.M.]:* i have got to have chunks in my ice cream ...or it just sucks
BigCutieSable [8:11 P.M.]:* i know
BigCutieSable [8:11 P.M.]:* you dont do choc
HeatherBBW [8:11 P.M.]:* :-D
HeatherBBW [8:11 P.M.]:* guess what I am eating and ate earlier and the day before yesterday?
BigCutieSable [8:12 P.M.]:* what?
HeatherBBW [8:12 P.M.]:* cmon guess - here smell my breath >:eek:
BigCutieSable [8:12 P.M.]:* lmao
BigCutieSable [8:12 P.M.]:* shut up!!
BigCutieSable [8:12 P.M.]:* dont tease
HeatherBBW [8:13 P.M.]:* any guesses?
BigCutieSable [8:13 P.M.]:* hmmm....
BigCutieSable [8:13 P.M.]:* give me a hint
HeatherBBW [8:13 P.M.]:* mmm... yummy
BigCutieSable [8:13 P.M.]:* oh come one
BigCutieSable [8:13 P.M.]:* on
BigCutieSable [8:13 P.M.]:* cake?
HeatherBBW [8:13 P.M.]:* uhm a guess, I have eaten 14 of them since Sunday.
HeatherBBW [8:13 P.M.]:* that is your hint
HeatherBBW [8:14 P.M.]:* and i had none on Monday
HeatherBBW [8:14 P.M.]:* so sunday and today
BigCutieSable [8:14 P.M.]:* oh i have no clue
BigCutieSable [8:14 P.M.]:* thats a sucky hint
BigCutieSable [8:14 P.M.]:* LoL
HeatherBBW [8:14 P.M.]:* lol no it's not its a good hint
HeatherBBW [8:14 P.M.]:* what do I love to eat and eat a lot of when I can get my hands on em?
BigCutieSable [8:14 P.M.]:* 14?
BigCutieSable [8:14 P.M.]:* i have no clue
BigCutieSable [8:14 P.M.]:* lol
BigCutieSable [8:14 P.M.]:* shit....what kind of food is it?
HeatherBBW [8:15 P.M.]:* and I have 2 more, just ate 2 and had 4 earlier and have 2 more for later.
HeatherBBW [8:15 P.M.]:* It isn't dessert.
BigCutieSable [8:15 P.M.]:* damn
HeatherBBW [8:15 P.M.]:* you don't use a fork to eat it.
BigCutieSable [8:15 P.M.]:* lol...thats a suckier hint then the first
BigCutieSable [8:15 P.M.]:* hmmmmm....
HeatherBBW [8:15 P.M.]:* LMAO no it's not.
BigCutieSable [8:15 P.M.]:* a taco?
BigCutieSable [8:15 P.M.]:* lmao
BigCutieSable [8:15 P.M.]:* as i choke on Ben
HeatherBBW [8:15 P.M.]:* You too have enjoyed the pleasure of this food goldmine
BigCutieSable [8:16 P.M.]:* whoopie pies?
BigCutieSable [8:16 P.M.]:* oh wait
BigCutieSable [8:16 P.M.]:* not a dessert
BigCutieSable [8:16 P.M.]:* duh!
BigCutieSable [8:16 P.M.]:* ummmm....
HeatherBBW [8:16 P.M.]:* and I thought it was only a summer treat, but when my fat addicted ass seen the sun out, I said heck I am gonna call and find out if they are open even though it isnt' nearly summer.
HeatherBBW [8:16 P.M.]:* Here is a good hint
HeatherBBW [8:17 P.M.]:* Scratch n' Sniff - Right Here ____> Smell Here <_____
BigCutieSable [8:17 P.M.]:* shut up!!
HeatherBBW [8:17 P.M.]:* O:)
BigCutieSable [8:17 P.M.]:* LMAO..i was really waiting for a hint
HeatherBBW [8:18 P.M.]:* okie, you loser
HeatherBBW [8:18 P.M.]:* here is a giveaway
BigCutieSable [8:18 P.M.]:* no wait...let me think
BigCutieSable [8:18 P.M.]:* is it a fruit?
HeatherBBW [8:18 P.M.]:* it tastes yummy
HeatherBBW [8:18 P.M.]:* lol no thats not the hint lol
HeatherBBW [8:18 P.M.]:* the hint is it has mayonnaise on it
HeatherBBW [8:18 P.M.]:* oh would that be a hint? I eat everything with mayo lol
HeatherBBW [8:19 P.M.]:* What have you seen me eat a ton of at once?
HeatherBBW [8:19 P.M.]:* bah you are no fun at this game.
HeatherBBW [8:19 P.M.]:* yer thinking toooo hard
BigCutieSable [8:19 P.M.]:* yeah i am ....getting an ice cream headache i think ...lol
HeatherBBW [8:20 P.M.]:* lol hey don't not enjoy your ice cream on account of me, you gotta keep your girlie figure LOL
BigCutieSable [8:20 P.M.]:* OMG>..you got the yummy burgers!!!!
HeatherBBW [8:20 P.M.]:* LOL ding ding Alex I think we have a winner on Fatty Food Fest Jeopardy - give that girl a prize.. I mean burger!
HeatherBBW [8:21 P.M.]:* ya big doink
BigCutieSable [8:21 P.M.]:* lmao
BigCutieSable [8:21 P.M.]:* i suck at trivia
BigCutieSable [8:21 P.M.]:* lol
HeatherBBW [8:22 P.M.]:* I am gonna turn into one of those burgers, I got 8 on sunday and 8 today and I swear I could probably eat 12 and I get fries with them now too, I am addicted. BUT I am SOOOO happy apparently they are open 2 seasons and not 1!
HeatherBBW [8:22 P.M.]:* so you enjoy that there ice cream fatty just remember, I am one up on ya.. mmm yummy burgers!
HeatherBBW [8:22 P.M.]:* lol
BigCutieSable [8:22 P.M.]:* lol
BigCutieSable [8:23 P.M.]:* well...i need ice cream and choc
BigCutieSable [8:23 P.M.]:* NEED it...or watch out!
HeatherBBW [8:23 P.M.]:* LOL

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