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Unintentionally hot comments

Dimensions Magazine

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Feb 15, 2020
The wife has unintentionally gained
some quarantine weight (yay!). She knows I love her body and had no problem with the 20 (-ish) pounds she put on being stuck at home, but she's not really a fan.
When she brings it up I cant help but get a little turned on though. She says things like:
"I can only wear your hoodies now, all of mine are too small"

"Are you kidding me?! My fat ass wont fit in that!"

"This shirt's also too tight, you can straight up see my belly button"

"I gotta upgrade my jeans because my ass is too big "

Y'all can see where I'm going with this. But I wanted to ask, what was your unintentionally hot weight-related comment? Something someone said not trying to turn you on but did.