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Weak points recliner and reinforcing them?

Dimensions Magazine

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New Member
Jul 2, 2022
Denver Colorado
Hey! Wondering if anyone has experience with lane recliners or any brand, with specific parts wearing down and breaking. The wife and I have been through 3 recliners in about 10 years. My wife has broken 2, I’ve broken 1. She had a bad habit of ploping down in the first 2 and broke a few springs in the seat. We had them repaired several times until the wooden spring board splintered in one of the chairs and she pretty much totaled it lol. Main part that breaks is the springs, or the wooden bases splinter into pieces as were sitting in them rocking or reclining. Has anyone experienced these same problems and if so what did you do to reinforce them? Or have you had any luck with a particular brand recliner lasting several years. We currently have one from big lots, only had it a few months and it already sounds like it’s gonna give up the ghost soon. Trying to find information on other brands before we purchase anymore, Thanks!