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Alex's Gain - by Softbelly (BHM, Feeding, Romance, Sex, ~XWG)

Dimensions Magazine

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Aug 25, 2008
BHM, Feeding, Romance, Sex, ~XWG - Disconsolate Olivia decides to fatten up her new boyfriend.

Alex's Gain
by Softbelly

Alex was 21 years old and working at a supermarket. He was a pencil-thin young male weighing only 144 pounds although standing 6'3 tall. He had dyed black hair and blue eyes contrasting to his alabaster skin resulting from almost total sun avoidance. He lived in a small flat together with his friend Simon in the middle of a large town.

Alex had always wanted to gain weight but felt he couldn't because he was afraid of what others would think. However when he met Olivia for the first time he found someone who thought he should gain.

Olivia was 28 years old,a 5'2 tall curvy but not overweight blonde girl;she worked as a tattoo artist and was a BHM admirer. Her boyfriend of 2 years, Matt, had been a SSBHM weighing over 400 lbs but sadly he had died in a car accident the prior, which naturally had left Olivia devastated.

Olivia had met Alex for the first time 4 months previously when he entered her tattoo shop to get his first tattoo,a dragon on his left upper arm done. Since then he had been visiting once a week, getting among other things a large chest piece with coloured hearts and flowers and two stars on his lower belly.

They talked a lot and Olivia had fallen in love with him although she hated how extremely skinny he was. When commenting on his skinniness he just responded that he didn't have time to eat because he was so busy doing other things. But his didn't stop their relationship from moving ahead.

Today it was time for their first date. They had decided it should be at Olivia's apartment; not far from where Alex lived. Olivia had prepared a giant dinner of rice and salsa chicken with cheese cake, chocolate and CocaCola.

She heard the sound of the ringing bell at 7 PM and greeted Alex with a hug and kiss. When he had hung his coat in the wardrobe and entered the kitchen she showed him an electronic scale and ordered to him to step on it.

When she saw the number 144.2 she said to him that she wanted him to gain at least 100 more pounds as soon as possible.

"I would love you if you weighed more; you are just too skinny for me now," she pleaded. "I would love to feed you and help you reach that goal."

Since Alex loved Olivia and really wanted to do the same they decided that in 4 months they should reached that goal. He would eat dinner with Olivia every day and she would give him boxes of candy and lunch to snack on during work.

Alex sat down at the table and began to eat dinner with Olivia. "Wow,"he thought,"how much does she think I can eat?"

Olivia just kept giving him more and more food. He complained that he was too full and unlocked the buttons of his tight black pants. Then Olivia started feeding him cheese cake. When he shouted that he just couldn't eat anymore Olivia helped him to the couch in front of the TV where she continued feeding him while rubbing his belly with the other hand.

He then stayed on the couch for the rest of the evening watching Who's that Mary with Olivia beside him feeding him chocolate (almost exceeding the limit of what he thought was possible to stomach).

4 months later..........

The days had been flowing away, Alex worked in the day constantly snacking on chocolate and in the evenings he was constantly fed in Olivia's apartment from 6pm until 11 pm when he fell asleep. Olivia cooked delicious meals and encouraged him to eat so he was constantly stuffed to the limit all the time.

Today it was exactly 4 months since their first date and it was time for Alex to weigh in.

Alex was a bit worried about how much he had gained, It was more difficult to walk the stairs and he had outgrown his trendy clothes and had to buy new ones which he had now outgrown and wore unbuttoned. His soft belly protuded and hung out a bit from his pants showing stretchmarks. His love handles were large and also had stretchmarks on them. When he walked his stomach constantly jiggled in front of him.

His roommate Simon and other people surrounding him constantly looked at him and a few times had commented that he was getting chubby.

He responded saying "Yes, does that bother you?"

And then they blushed and left him alone.

Upon arriving at Olivia's this evening he undressed and stepped on the scale and it read 246.8 pounds. He was shocked at how much he had gained but Olivia smiled and patted his belly so it jiggled; he heard it growling for food.

"I'm looking forward to see you gaining even more," she said happily. "300 lbs would be great!"

"-uh-uh," said Alex.

She grabbed his love handles and squeezed them. He blushed.

"Time for sex," Olivia said. "But first this belly needs to be fed."

After eating 2 large pizzas washed down with 1.5 litre CocaCola they went to the bedroom where the feeding continued and took of their clothes. Olivia was constantly feeding him chocolate and cream until orgasm.

Alex knew that he was the happiest man on earth.

To be continued........

I know this is a short story, it is my first so.....


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