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Because we all need to reflect positively on fat sometimes...

Dimensions Magazine

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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2006

I've been on the boards here and there for awhile now and have noticed a general tendancy towards negative fat related posts on the main board. While I realize not everything in life is rosey all the time, I do think we need a little more positivity. I believe fat is truly the sexiest state of being and wish to discuss that with other like-minded people. So here is my attempt at that:

Things I love about fat

Even on a hot day my fattest parts feel cool to the touch.

The way my boobs sit on my double belly and together look like a giant smiling frog.

Pudgy feet that poke over the top of certain shoes.

How my belly spills out when I unzip my pants.

How fat floats like a big fluffy, squishy cloud.

How wide hips sway.

The way it feels when people brush up against me in confined spaces.

How heavy yet delightful it feels.

How it is so soft, hugable and kissable.

How it pours over the top of my pants.

The way it forms lovely rolls on my back.

Double chins and big full cheeks.

Making love on a full tummy.

Wonder and amazement at where the next 10 pounds will go.

The way arm rests are belly + hip rests.

The shock value from others when I eat a huge meal, or better yet, when I am in line for a water slide.

Alright, these are just a few of the things I love about fat in myself and in others. Care to share yours?


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