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Gourmet Tastes - by Anya (~BBW, Erotica, Romance)

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Amazon Goddess
Jan 31, 2010
~BBW, Erotica, Romance - A BBW, far from NYC, working at an exclusive resort, meets the man of her dreams and learns that dreams do come true. Pretty fat, fat worship, romance, fine dining, kinky sex and more abound!

Gourmet Tastes
By Anya

As most extraordinary days do, it started out with my weary palm coming down hard on the snooze button. Damned if I wanted to hear that little pop tart screaming her latest talent-void, synthesizer-enhanced rhyme through the radio and into my subconscious. It was 7 a.m. and my mind still drifted between worlds as my body became wakeful and limber. I took my time. I didn’t have anything scheduled until this evening when I had to work second shift. Several loud yawns and audible ‘pops’ from my joints later I was doing the morning zombie routine. Coffee…must have coffee.

I sat down at my PC with a towel wrapped around my wet hair and sipped my tall glass of iced mocha. I wiped the cinnamon topped whipped cream off my lips, lit my cigarette and read the morning news before checking my primary e-mail account.

I chuckled and rolled my eyes at the spam mail that seemed to comprise most of my 23 new messages. I systematically opened and perused the responses to my newest dating ad. They all seemed essentially the same, varying only in levels of insult but not lack of it…One with a screen name of ChillaMaxxin wrote: “GRL u hot. Txt ONLY at 555-765-8999.” Another by the name of Nascar4Ever said, “I never been with a fatty b4 but I guess I could try you out. It’s been a while for me and I could use some good head. U game?”

I laughed and rolled my eyes.

“How about NO, losers…” Not much pisses me off more than guys who thinks fat girls are automatically easy or hard up for sex. I had recently moved to the Northwest region of Washington State from N.Y.C to take over a coveted General Manager position at a local high end boutique hotel on the Bellingham bay that catered to those far more privileged than myself. You know business tycoons, movie stars and the like. I was having really shitty luck finding guys who were out of the closet FA’s. It seemed like any guy I came across was either a closet FA who didn’t want his family and friends to know, married or dating someone already or just not attracted to bigger women.

“Maybe I should have stayed in New York where the pickings aren’t so slim,” I thought to myself, laughing at my own unintentional pun.

I almost exited my inbox without opening the remaining reply. If there is one thing I believe in it is starting your day out the best you can. If you have to choose one time of day to avoid all things negative, make it first thing in the morning. After all, the tone of your morning sets the stage for things to come.

Then I noticed the screen name the last ad reply was sent from: NYC_Gentleman

I raised my eyebrow and cautiously hovered my mouse-pointer over the subject line, causing it to light up like a blue neon sign: Hello there fellow New Yorker! Fancy meeting you here!

I grinned hopefully, bit my bottom lip and opened the message:

“Dear Amanda,

I saw your ad and I just had to reply. My name is Mike; I am originally from NYC and grew up in Washington Heights. You guessed it, I am half Dominican. LOL. I moved up to Vancouver B.C a few years back and it is beautiful but just not the same as home. Do you ever experience that listless feeling when you watch the sun rise over the mountains?”

I glanced over and out the picture window of the manager’s suite, smiling softly as the morning light reflecting off of the bay glistened in my eyes. Indeed I did miss New York a great deal. I missed my friends, my family…the little café down the street…The library…So much I left behind. Sure I had friends here now. I guess you could call them that. In comparison to people I had literally grown up with they didn’t hold a candle. They knew about me but they didn’t know ME. A tear formed in my eye and summoning all my courage I turned my gaze back at the computer screen.

“I know I do. Anyways, I am down in your area for the next week or so and if I may be so bold I would love to go see a show and take you to dinner. I read your profile and you sound like an amazing woman. Cute, plump, tall and funny with a good head on her shoulders. A rare combination to be sure! I better get going for now I have a busy day planned out on the islands. I look forward to hearing from you (I hope!) and if you want to you can check out my profile and see if you feel any chemistry there.

Take Care,


P.S.-Here is that LINK ”

I sat back in my chair, crushed out my cigarette and went to get a refill. Interesting. Very interesting. I wondered if this guy could handle my ample physique. I am 6’3 and weight around 300lbs right now which is the heaviest I have ever been. I paced in front of the deck windows. I had to know more about him before I decided to go out with him. Sure he was a hometown boy, but even so…A girl has to do her homework!

I opened the link to his profile.

“Let’s see about you Mike…what are you all about?”

It was a sudden shift of reality for me. As soon as I opened his profile I recognized him. No, not because I had seen him around town before back home. New York is a big place, you can live there your whole life and not meet a tenth of the people that call the place home. I took a closer look at him.

“Isn’t that???? No. No. It can’t be!” If I couldn’t have felt the drool forming on it I would have sworn my jaw had hit the floor! None of his profile photos were the retouched images I had seen of him in glossy magazines. He was not wearing the white smock I saw him in on the Food Channel. Regardless, there was no doubt about it; this guy was none other than THE Mike Greene, world famous restaurant tycoon!

I think I actually felt my heart skip a beat or two. Mike Greene? Fine as hell Mike Greene? Funny to a fault Mike Greene? I had never really thought about there being ANY kind of possibility I could ever meet him let alone the chance to go out on a date with him. I watched his show now and then and laughed at his jokes and puns, marveled at how adept he was at cooking, but wow…Looking through his profile it seemed he was actually a rather down to earth guy!

He only had three photos on his profile. Photo number one was a picture of him lying on the beach wearing a pair of baggy black swim trunks giving two thumbs up. Photo number two was him standing next to a grey haired woman who was older and slightly shorter than him. She was smiling and he was kissing her forehead with his arm around her shoulders. “Must be his mom,” I thought to myself, “so sweet.” Photo number three….Oh lord…Photo number three was a picture of him bare-chested wearing a pair track pants that should be sued for being so tight, and sitting on a kitchen counter, arms crossed with a huge grin on his face. His dark, smooth skin was a near match for the warm deep honey colored mahogany cabinetry behind him. He had large, sculpted muscles and obviously worked out. He had the kind of arms that looked strong enough to hold you tight, yet soft enough to be comfortable. And that bulge in his pants? Made a girl wonder if Mike Greene was smuggling plums and sausages home from work! It wasn’t as if he were TRYING to show off his…assets…they were just so noticeable.

I decided to e-mail him back, (Of course!) and decided to leave out the part about him being famous and super hot and all that good stuff. These are things I thought he probably already knew, so why mention them? I told him I appreciated his e-mail and that yes the sunrise over the mountains did make me feel a little sad now and then. I let him know I worked the evening shift at the hotel I managed so we would have to wait for my day off to go out but that I would love to. I told him he seemed like a really down to earth guy and then….then I asked that cardinal sin question that only a BBW will ask, the one you always feel ridiculous asking and yet compelled to ask. I said to him: “So you do know I’m a big girl right? I mean I don’t want there to be any bad surprises or anything when we meet.” I sent him my message and signed off-line.

I tried to occupy myself during the day but it was so hard! How can you be patient when you know that a famous guy you have a crush on has asked you out on a date? Short answer: You can’t! Long answer: Work out your frustrations the best way you know how.

I ended up back in bed…I tried to watch TV but it just wasn’t happening. Same with my current novel, just could not stay focused. I kept thinking about those eyes and that generous bulge. Finally I decided this called for extreme measures. I reached into my nightstand and brought out my favorite toys, a 7-inch jelly dong with an adjustable curve and a small silver bullet shaped mini-vibe, small but very powerful. I opened up my robe and looked myself over in the oversized mirrors at the side and foot of my bed.

Would a man like Mike Greene really be interested in a woman like me? I ran my fingers over my pale milky colored breasts. Seeing those pictures of him had put my nipples on their perma-hard setting. I licked my finger and wetted my nipple. I watched the bright pink flesh harden even further. My hands explored my body and I imagined it his big strong hands touching me.

I grasped my breast in my left hand and continued playing with the nipple. I jiggled it now and then, not hard, just enough to make me feel like it was Mike playing with it. I spread my knees and brought my ankles up near my bottom, pushing my pelvis upwards I saw the view I hoped he would be delving into very soon. I spread my shaved pussy lips with two fingers, parting the tuft of amber colored fur that grew above it and exposing the bright pink gash. I could see I was very wet and I wondered if I could make some of my juices squeeze out by doing my kegels.

It was a game I played with myself, tightening and relaxing the muscles deep inside of me to make the clear, slick fluid within drip out. It proved to be very easy this time around but I kept squeezing those muscles and watching my hole open a little and then clamp shut. Practice had taken my 25 year old pussy back a decade or so in quality of tightness. I was quite proud of this accomplishment and it brought me a lot of pleasure, even at times like this when I did not have a partner to enjoy the snugness of it.

I ran my index finger from my clenched and soggy hole up to my swollen clit. With my index and middle finger I trapped the hot pink nubbin and began stroking it back and forth very gently, dipping down again and again into my pussy until I was sopping wet. Letting go of my breasts I fired up my mini-vibe and moved the tiny treasure towards my glossy pleasure button. I closed my eyes and imagined Mike Greene’s beautiful dark golden eyes staring up from between my legs as I brought the pulsating bullet down onto myself. Ecstasy shot through my body as I rubbed my captive clit with the powerful tickle of the mini-vibe. My legs spread even further as I bucked my hips ever so gently towards what I envisaged was my dream mans tongue and lips. I rested the small vibe between the lips at the poochy part above my clit as I readied my jelly dong for action.

With the moistness dripping from my fingertips I christened the tip of the dong. Closing my eyes and pressing it to my puckered lips, I passionately kissed the head of Mike Greene’s rigid cock. I pressed the tip further between my lips and lolled my tongue around making the dong bounce like an excited man on the top of my mouth.

In a flush of passion and one fell move, I removed the dong from my mouth and plunged it deep into my achingly tight pussy. My left palm held the vibe tight as I slid the hard cock in as deep as it would go and then out of myself all the way with my right hand. Damn, I had not been this horny for YEARS! I brought myself up on my knees and into the doggy style position. Reaching around I grabbed hold of the base of the dong and drove it in deep. I let it sit there for a moment, wondering if Mike would fuck me like this when the time came.

“No need to worry about that now,” I thought to myself as I watched between my legs, upside down, my super puffy pussy lips stretching to allow entry of the fake cock. I started a nice rhythm, pushing it slowly in but firmly against my g-spot, two nice hard punches as deep as it could go and then wiggling it around. Lather, rinse, repeat and I was cumming like a freight train all over my sheets, screaming the name of a man I had never even met. Never even thought of meeting until just minutes prior.

I checked my e-mail at least 30 times that day. I went to get groceries and pick up a new dress for our date and I was so excited I even had to check my e-mail on my iPhone at the store! I had a smile I could not wipe off my face! I headed home but I had a few hours before I had to be at work. I decided to indulge myself and visit the hotel spa for some beauty time. Between the anxiousness and the rough treatment I gave myself earlier, my body needed a little TLC!

Beauty salons are beauty salons, always have been and always will be. The thing about a beauty salon is they are THE epicenter for ALL gossip. If something is going on you WILL hear about it at the beauty salon. Upscale boutique or not, this was still essentially a beauty salon.

I walked in and Monica, a petite Japanese exchange student I had hired through a work-study program last month ran up to me practically bouncing off the walls. I wondered what could possibly be THIS exciting.

“Amanda! Ms.Amanda! You are not going to BELIEVE who is here today!”

I took my high heels off and stretched my tired toes as I walked over to the pedicure chair. It was not rare for us to have a famous guest. Nothing was going to surprise me. I was sure of that.

“Mike Greene! You know the one on TV? On the Food Channel? The one who has all those restaurants? Well he is here! Staying HERE!”

I felt a lump rise in my throat, followed shortly by butterflies in my stomach. The fact I was surprised…well…frankly it surprised even me! Lori, the salon manager giggled.

“Dang Amanda, I didn’t know you had it in you to be star struck after all this time.”

She gave me a friendly pat on the back. She KNEW I had a little crush on him since she usually kept the salon television tuned to the Food Channel to help bump up profits for the hotel restaurant. I said nothing. Afraid this was all a dream and some magic word from my mouth would make it all disappear.

Little Monica broke the silence.

“You know…” she said wiggling in place, “I saw him early this morning. He checked in during the middle of the night, didn’t have a reservation or anything and we didn’t have any suites available so he is staying in a regular room.” She twirled her hair as she spoke, “I think he is really sexy! I think I am going to see if maybe I can like go out with him or something.”

Ladies and gentlemen…You do not know HOW bad I wanted to punch that sweet little girl right between the eyes! I was surprised at myself! Still I said nothing. Lori spoke up.

“Get real Monica, the guy can date whoever he wants, he probably only dates supermodels.”

Monica hung her head, I saw the steam go out of her and immediately felt bad for wanting to punch her just a few seconds ago. I reassured myself it was HE who had contacted me, not the other way around.

“Yeah you’re probably right.”

She laughed it off and started washing my feet while Lori started my facial. I closed my eyes and relaxed. I don’t know why, but for some reason knowing he was staying at MY hotel put me at ease. Maybe it was because this long and strong young buck had wandered onto my personal territory. The hunt was officially over. I thought about the saying, “One in the hand is better than two in the bush.” I immediately started laughing for reasons apparent to no one but myself.

Two hours later and it was time for me to go on shift. I was, to say the least, looking hot to trot. My waist length red hair was curled in big loose waves that glimmered in the light and bounced when I walked. My pale skin was soft and smooth. My make-up was done to perfection. What can I say; I was on top of my game that night. I wanted to look my best for him but also to boost my confidence. I wore a tight crimson pencil skirt that showed off my large hips, ass and legs and a low cut, cream colored silk blouse that flowed beautifully over my full breasts and was tailored to fit my slim waist. The set of golden Tahitian pearls I had treated myself to when I got my first big promotion lay gracefully above my cleavage. I may have been looking my best, but I was the most nervous I have ever been in my life!

(Continued in post twelve of this thread)