Energizer Bunny ;)
So, I'm on POF. I met a guy on there, and we've been talking for about a week and a half. We're friends on facebook, so he's seen all of my good pictures, and my not so good pictures.
Not necessarily with him, but with any guy I meet online, I always have this fear of meeting him and him thinking I'm too fat. I can't seem to find ANY FA's in my area, so I'm 'stuck' (don't feel stuck, just couldn't think of an appropriate word) dating guys who are with me for my personality, and they seem to just overlook my size (about a 26).
Surely I'm not the only one who experiences this, right? Any words of wisdom for me? I'm fairly young (23), but every guy I've ever met (online and in person) tells me that they would be more attracted to me if I weren't so insecure, but I always have that insecurity that I'll be too big, and I definitely don't want to be a guys biggest girl ever.
Advice appreciated and welcomed with open arms!
Not necessarily with him, but with any guy I meet online, I always have this fear of meeting him and him thinking I'm too fat. I can't seem to find ANY FA's in my area, so I'm 'stuck' (don't feel stuck, just couldn't think of an appropriate word) dating guys who are with me for my personality, and they seem to just overlook my size (about a 26).
Surely I'm not the only one who experiences this, right? Any words of wisdom for me? I'm fairly young (23), but every guy I've ever met (online and in person) tells me that they would be more attracted to me if I weren't so insecure, but I always have that insecurity that I'll be too big, and I definitely don't want to be a guys biggest girl ever.