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Active Member
Jan 7, 2009
Pardon the totally cliche subject line, but as it turns out, I compose music...music to move your ass to, so to speak...and I'm working on my third song so my sister can run to it, and I thought I would offer my wares to you guys, for free downloading and placing on your Ipod. Never seeking to get rich off my work, more just for the wonderful eargasms I affect on you, dear reader...

So, the trumpet piece is finished, the spanish one has to be re-recorded (turn your bass down!) and the third one "C No L Run" is the one I'm currently working on...


(Oh and if you're a musician and you hear something that needs to be changed, moved up/down, etc. TELL ME!)

Here's the link:

And if the link doesn't work, Copy and paste: http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=87bd52a226e131c261d4646c62b381cba51f48da98098a4cf1940a51b339e393