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The Journal

Dimensions Magazine

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Oct 21, 2005
BHM, WG (or XWG? I still haven't decided), dining, and unfinished.
Please give me some feedback, this thing is draining to write.... I want to finish it, but I'm running clueless now. And be nice-ish, it's my first time posting one of these....

The Journal

March 25
My English prof wants us to keep a journal for the remainder of the quarter. We don't have to show her the journals, but she'll be asking us questions about them. I wonder how that works.

April 7

I just started a job at the local Pizza Central to help with tuition. It's kinda boring.

April 8

Prof asked to look at a few journals. Mine's so dull, I let her. She left me a sticky note: Do more interesting things! Write about them! And the "quiz" was so lame. "What did you write about?" and "What's your average entry size?" and "How is this helping your writing?" And a bunch more crap like it. She says we'll have to fill this form out once a week for participation credit, and she wants to look at our dates. Not the writing, just the dates.

That's so pathetic. One girl even said: "What? We were supposed to put the date on it?"

I didn't go to work today, I was miserably sick after class. Alexa says I'll have to do another day of training to make up for it, but that's okay. It'll be at my pace, instead of everyone elses' slow butts.

April 10

No more training, yay! I even know almost everyone's names, and Alexa, our super, says I might be manager material. She has to wait a few months, of course, but she says she'll be keeping both eyes on me. I think that's some unfair pressure for a newbie, but it's something to aspire to, for sure. I hope I do well here.

April 12

This... is... dull. My normal full day, when I don't have class in the morning, goes like this:
Make dough.

Proof dough.

Form into crusts.

Put crusts into pans.

Put pans into fridge.

That for an hour.

Then we open.

Rachel and (female) Sam stay in back and do more crust until 7, then Pete and Cassy come in to keep up until close.

I'm up front with Willie, Kriste, Emily, and Pat serving and taking orders, doing the whole phone and soda refill thing.

At 7, Kriste and Pat take off for their night class, and Yolanda, Cami, and Sue come in for the night rush.

Max, Sean, and Rick trade off with the other (male) Sam, Sheila, Mark, and Elly cooking.

I haven't really met the dishwashers (except for Kevin, he always seems to be there to take my dishes), or the nice folks who do the floors, but that'll come, I'm sure. I've only been there five days, after all.

When I do have class, it's show up at noon, change, and get to work on handling the rush.
Then I have to actually close, instead of bailing like the other servers when everyone starts doing fridge and station checks and cleaning everything.

I'm so tired....

April 15

Wow. I'm glad I hadn't made my entry yet today. She actually made us tell about what we wrote about last. But today was aces... I HAVE to write about this!

I saw these college guys come in real late, when it was just getting quiet again, and they all pigged out like, majorly.

And, afterward, they had a beer chugging contest, and then, after that, they stood around and compared bellies!

They all looked stuffed to the brim, and one dude's shirt was riding up!

I was wayyyy turned on, staring at their cute little guts all displayed out on a row.

When they left, they also left me a $20 tip.

Yolanda laughed at me, and told me to quit waving it around. It happens to everyone some time.

From the black looks I got from a few senior members, I wasn't too sure about that, but Yolanda's so sunshiny and happy that no one can hate her. She's a good person to work with.

April 17

It's been two days, and all I can think of is those guys pigging out. I've been fantasizing about it, daydreaming about it, and it's driving me nuts.

The sight of their rounded bellies bulging out of their clothes, the way they just... DEVOURED that mess of pizzas, totally stuffing themselves stupid...

To be so full that movement becomes impossible...

Oh, my word... to see a man so full he couldn't move... to see a man so FAT he can BARELY move.... so FAT he CAN'T move at ALL.... A huge belly, falling all over his legs, great big man-titties, a pendulous hanging drooping sagging swaying belly.... Great tree trunk legs....
Ehhh... cold shower.... cold shower....!

April 20

Oh, my word! It was the most amazing thing. Here I am, thinking about seeing some hunk come in and order two larges or something like that, then devour them along with two pitchers of soda... and what happened? Some hunk comes in, and ordered an extra large deep dish with everything on it twice with double extra cheese, and a bottomless pitcher. He ate the whole pizza, and had the pitcher refilled three times!

Oh my word! He looked like he was JUST shy of six feet tall, and he wasn't really skinny, but not really chubby, either. He was SOOOOOO cute! Then he sat there for like, another hour and THEN ate TWO whole orders of garlic-cheese bread, with like, BUCKETS of ranch.... and of course, drank even more soda! He smiled at me as he left, and he even left me a really nice tip.
Too bad his clothes were so baggy, I wanted to see his body and the effects of his gorging. I wanted to be able to SEE how much that belly had grown!

As he left, I got another good look at his face, and he looked kind of like one of the college kids from a few days ago.

I think I recognize him, but not from work before, I don't think. I wonder where.

April 22

I've been dreaming of that guy for the last few days. I can't stop thinking about him! I wonder when he'll come in again. IF he'll come in again...

Those college kids came in again though, close to closing like last time, and repeated last week's performance.

The gorging and glutting and stuffing and munching... and dipping and drooling and drinking and pigging out in general... Some of them had really tight clothes on, and I could SEE them getting full... and fuller... I think there's a regular group of seven, but people kept coming and going the whole time. It was all I could do to keep from creaming in my shorts and being unable to walk to serve my customers.

Sadly, I didn't have their table this time, and I didn't have enough time to see if the lone gorger had come in with them. Again, at the end, they all compared bellies, with much pinching and prodding of eachother's distended midsections.

They left at closing, and I went to help Willie clear the tables, seeing as I was done with my tables. We talked a bit, and he mentioned that they'd been coming in and doing that for a few weeks now, since the first week or so of March.

Between the two of us, we tried to figure out what was up with those guys, that they came in and did that every week, but neither of us could come up with an answer, but Willie thought it was kinda cool.

His reasoning, was that if they wanted to pay $100 a week for a lot of pizza and beer and leave him a $20 bill as a tip, that was fine with him.

I had to agree. I'd had their table last week.

April 26

My dreams are answered!

He came in again, alone, and I missed his name again, blasst it.

But he's such a sweetheart!

He came in, and ordered the same thing, and ate it all again!

I was so turned on I almost had to go to the bathroom to do something about it! Again, his clothes were fairly baggy, so that kinda sucked, but still, it was sooooo sexy, just watching him stuff his face like that...

A huge pizza again, two full orders of garlic-cheese bread, and I don't know HOW many times I refilled his soda pitcher or got him more ranch!

But, the really neat thing was, besides the show, he left me another really good tip- Now I can go get my mother those earrings for her birthday.

And, she'll probably turn around next week, and help me fix my car.

She likes it when I remember "...she's my MOTHER, not my father, and still female under the grime of turning a wrench," as she says it.

She's so soap opera some times.

But I love her, I do. I wish I could have a big teddy bear of a man to love, someone besides mom in my life.

A real man with a real big belly to bounce while we screw like rabid test bunnies....

April 29

Blah, boring!

Prof had us do our little papers again.

Yadda yadda yackkity schmackkity blah blah blah.

I totally lied about a few entries, but she'll never know. Funny thing is, is this is helping my writing style as an author? Maybe.

Helping me develop my own voice, as Prof would put it.

Again, I saved my entry for after work, and again, I'm glad I did and I think I'll continue that pattern. Every time Prof looks at our papers, those college kids come in.

One of them is named Ryan, he's kind of the unofficial "leader" or den mother or something, and another, they call Teddy. I think it's a nickname.

I couldn't see which one Teddy was, though, as my tables were, again, on the other side of the room.

I got a good shot of them doing their annual comparison though, and was amazed at how much a couple of them had grown!

And one guy's shirt was riding up. I think it's the same guy each time, actually, and as he was standing there, it rode up further, exposing a fairly deep belly button.

I went to the bathroom.

And now, thinking about it again.... ooooh...

April 30

My mom's birthday blew chunks. Literally. My dad didn't even show, though he'd said he would this year, and my little sister got sick this morning and puked all over the living room and mom's guests. And the cake. And the presents that had been unwrapped. What a day. I'm glad I work tomorrow. I'm going to bed.

May 1

He came in again.

He came in again!

Same baggy clothes, but they didn't seem so baggy, somehow.

And he ate.

Ooooh, I'm dripping in my panties to think of his eating!

An extra large deep dish with extra extra cheese and everything on it- twice, of course.
Two orders of garlic-cheese bread. And...

A large order of spicy chicken wings, and

a medium Super Duper Cheeser Pleaser (God, I hate the names of our specialty pizzas!).
And, of course, a bottomless pitcher of cola.

The one that made me pause, was when he asked for the ranch bucket from the salad bar.
No more of those little cups he got last time, he wanted a real big thing of ranch.
I managed to stammer something and turn around before my eyes came unglued or something. I went back, and got his order going, and then went looking for Alexa so I could have some logic in this mad fantasy world. I told her what he wanted, and she raised her eyebrows, and told me that it was kind of odd.

Then she asked me if I'd seen him before.


"Did he use a lot of ranch last time?"


"Did getting him more little cups slow down my service? Well.... yes. "

"Okay, well then. Get one of the empty buckets from the back clean station and fill it where we fill the buckets normally. Let him have it. Get back to work. Put another $2 on his tab. "

Oh, wow. Alexa is a weird manager.

But this is kind of a weird place.

Guys come in and glut themselves to stupidity, most customers leave in food induced stupors anyway....

This is why I only eat salad at work, I think.

But the Lone Gorger, as I've come to call him in my mind, outdid himself today.

He ate, and drank, and ate, and drank, and ate, and ate, and ate.

After a time, there were only crumbs left on the plates, and a little dribble of ranch on the table left the only remaining evidence of a huge meal.

He came up to the front and slipped the payment wallet onto the counter, and headed for the door. His clothes looked tighter across his gut, and he walked slowly, as if moving was a bit of a pain.

There were two fifties tucked into the payment wallet when I opened it.

I guess he liked the ranch.

I went to clear his table, and found a business card for a local graphics and website firm with the name Theodore Blackstone II, Esq. on them, and a phone number, and the title, Asst Supervisor.
I slipped it in my pocket, and did my job.

Theodore Blackstone II. Esquire, no less.

Who is he? Is he one of the college kids? A pro posing as a college kid?

Or what? I'm so confused.