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Confessions of an addict......

Dimensions Magazine

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Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2008
Confessions of an addict......

Alright. Many of you have known this for years but now I think I am brave enough to just bring it out in the open. The sweet goodness rushing into my blood stream. the tart taste in the back of my throat. It quells the shaking of my hands with the first infusion. It instantly calms me in most situations. Some of you know what I'm talking about. Most of you do not. But here goes. I really hope that you all understand and don't look at me in any sort of different light now. I hope that you all are understanding and can still just love me for who I am. With that said, My confession is this:

I am a Lemonade addict.

There. I've said it and you all know my awful terrible secret. At the rate my addiction is growing, I will most certainly be incapacitated with in the next year. Its getting to the point that if I do not have lemonade in my hand at any given moment, I'm thinking of nothing but. I was okay when I had to go to chick fil a, or make it at home. But then they came out with those single serve packets that you add to your water bottle. That my dear friends, was my downfall. I couldn't wait to get to the store and buy a box of the powder. I tried to snort it but it burned too bad. I had to be content to add it to my water bottle and shake like the directions on the package said. Shake..Shake..Shake... till blended. It became my mantra. Every morning, lunch and dinner. I had to have it. Then, the late night cravings for it began. Id find myself, 11pm at night, going to the pantry to grab that lemonade powder. Then to the cold fridge for a bottle of water. then I'd screw off the top of the water bottle and take that first cold sip. It was nothing alone. Dank, dreary and plain. Then, and only then, would I carefully tear into the packet of powder and pour it, little by little into the water bottle. Then I would carefully check the packet to make sure it was empty, and place the cap onto the water bottle. I would then follow my mantra of Shake...Shake... Shake.... I would check the bottom of the bottle to make sure that it was blended. Once the swirling stopped, and I was content that the contents had sufficiently done just what I had violently cohersed them to dissolve. I would unscrew the top off the bottle and that the first sip. Pure, unadulterated Bliss. Lemonade.

The addiction continued until one night I found myself out of the powder packets and the mix. I was frantic. What would I do? DO I wake my son up in the middle of the night so that I could get my fix? I didn't want to take him to those neighborhoods that you can buy lemonade at. So I did what any self respecting addict would do. I got some of the little crystallized lemon packets that I keep for my tea, added them to water and added some honey. The honey was because I was out of sugar at the time. It wasn't the same but it satisfied me for the time being. I was able to get back to sleep and dream about my next fix.

I just wanted to make you all aware of my addiction, as I may begin to start asking you all to stop and bring me lemonade on the way home. I know, Its dangerous, but ive got to protect the lemonade I am drinking now, and don't want to get into the car to go get some more for when I run out. I'm also asking that you all stockpile boxes of lemonade powder in the event that there is a national or even global shortage.

If you'd like to comment on my addiction, go ahead. I promise it wont hurt. Ive got my lemonade to keep me company.

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