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BHM The Loaner (SSBHM, XWG)

Dimensions Magazine

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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2014
Newport News
The Beginning

I stand naked and a bit groggy in a strange room and a man I have never seen before tells me "take a load off my fat friend, sit down and savor the endless feast we're about to serve you." He is much younger than me and in incredible shape, very much unlike me. He turns and points across the room to another young man whose body is even more chiseled and who is holding a silver serving platter piled high with chocolate eclairs and explains "your wife has graciously 'loaned' you to us for a few weeks and we plan to be most gracious hosts," before adding with a wink, "satisfying your every need ..."

I seat myself in a very wide and extremely comfortable upholstered chair and am happy to finally relieve the pressure my advanced weight is putting on my poor old knees. As I sit down, however, the weight of my belly forces my legs widely apart and seemingly hundreds of pounds of excess belly blubber tumble into the gap. That puts a grin on the faces of both my hosts as Host #1 slides a small table in front of me and Host #2 sets down the platter of delicious-looking eclairs. I'm starving and attempt to purloin one of the treats but my belly is just too ponderous to reach over, causing my hosts to grin at each other again. After the third try at reaching the platter fails, #2 plucks an eclair from the platter and gently lifts it to my eager mouth with one hand while gently resting his other hand on my protruding belly. "That tastes good, doesn't it?," he asks and I shake my head in the affirmative. Then he says, "don't worry my fat friend, this platter is ALL for you and we'll feed them to you until every last one is gone ... all two dozen."

Although my head is still a bit fuzzy, the thought of eating two dozen eclairs is quite the turn on. I've eaten a lot over the past year or so, but never that much in one sitting and I wonder if I'm up for it. The most my wife had ever gotten into me was a dozen and I was in a food coma for hours after that! But then again, that was probably 75 pounds ago and my belly had become significantly stretched since then.

As #2 started feeding me a second eclair, he inserted the thumb of his free hand into my gaping belly button and wrapped his other four fingers around my bottom belly roll, rocking it gently back and forth. "Such a big belly ... such a soft belly," he muttered, before adding "and it's going to be so much bigger and so much softer by the time we return you to your wife in a few weeks." "Yes," #1 said, "she is going to be so pleased with the results ... and we think you will too, our greedy little piggy."

My Backstory

Still gently rocking my belly back and forth and now feeding me my fourth eclair, fitness guy #2 adds, "yes, we hope you will be very content in your stay with us, Marcel (#1's name obviously) and I aim to please with our guests." "Particularly the cute ones like you," Marcel added gratuitously.

As he pops the first bite of eclair # 5 in my mouth, #2 (whose name I still didn't know) says "I must say, your wife's description of you didn't do you justice." Between bites, I manage to ask "what did she say?"

"You tell him Marcel!" "OK Serge," Marcel responded.

"Of course, she said you were devastatingly handsome, and she was definitely on the mark there, with that full Santa Claus beard and all, you're just quite the sexy daddy type!"

"But she didn't tell us just how enormous you were," Serge sputtered, while popping the last bite of eclair # 5 in my mouth.

"Yes," Marcel continued, "she definitely undersold you on that point! I mean she told us you like to eat, A LOT, and had gained over 150 pounds in the last two years, but we still didn't expect you to be as big a boy as you are!"

Squeezing my rolls with greater intensity as I started eclair #6, Serge excitedly uttered, "we were expecting a mere 400 pounder, but you must be closer to 500 pounds ... and it all seems to be in your belly! I could just feed you all day and watch these rolls grow larger and larger until they almost touch the floor!"

"Down Serge," Marcel barked, "you'll have lots of time every day to feed our very fat friend! After all, his wife wants him extra plump when we send him back."

By eclair #10, they both seemed quite impressed by my ability to consume vast quantities of food, and Marcel relieved Serge on the feeding duty, but not before grasping my huge apron with both hands, kneading it like raw dough, and gasping at its sheer heft. "You are one sexy load my Piggy friend," he said, as he proffered the first bite of eclair #11. As #12 went down the hatch, he got talkative again and shared more of what my wife had told them about me.

"Your wife thought you might need a confidence boost too, along with a few extra pounds." "Mmmmffff?," I mumbled with my mouth full of custard and chocolate. "You know," Serge piped in, "having lost your job last month because your employer thought you were too fat." "Ridiculous," added Marcel, "you look perfect to us, those fat rolls are just so incredible, I can't believe they fired a sexy guy like you!" Before I could say anything, eclair #13 was in my mouth, and Serge continued, "you should sue the fat bashing bastards, that is if your wife wasn't so rich ..." "Yes," added Marcel, "she's got enough money and loves you so much that you can be as fat as you want!" "And," Serge chuckled and grabbed a handful of my fat for emphasis, "from the way you are demolishing these eclairs, it looks like you want to get a WHOLE LOT fatter my friend!"

They finally gave me a chance to pause from eating and Serge asked again, "are we right, you want to get so much fatter than you are now?"

I reflected momentarily and said, "maybe I do." They both smiled and laid a hand on my belly, before Serge said, "well you're in the right place then!"

"You know," Marcel added, "you were lucky getting fired, it gives you so much more time to focus on your eating and growing this sexy belly even bigger!"

"No more going to work every day," Serge exclaimed, "you can just eat to your belly's fill all day long, you just have to bring your appetite and we'll supply the food!"

Then Serge gets a particularly lustful look on his face, and hands me eclair #13 before launching into a soliloquy of sorts, as if Marcel and I weren't even in the room ...

"He used to be an executive ... #2 guy in the company ... commanding respect ... attention ... even fear ... women adored him and men wanted to be him ... but his appetite gets the better of him ... he's always been a little fat ... alright a LOT fat ... but he balloons past 300 pounds ... then 400 pounds ... then 450 ... and his wife loves it ... she wants him big ... not just big ... enormous ... a human mountain of lard that's all hers to play with ... well, maybe ours too while he's here ... and he's complicit in it all ... he loves it all too ... just eating and eating and eating ... consequences be damned ... he seems content to get fatter and fatter ... his belly growing even more enormous ... his gluttony knows no bounds ... left to his own devices he'll eat his way to 800 pounds ... easily."

By then, Marcel has got me working on my 16th eclair and I have quite the erection going on underneath my apron, just thinking about what these two feeders are going to do my figure over the next few weeks!

Suddenly Serge snaps out of his trance-like soliloquy, grabs me by my fat cheeks with one hand, and asks "does that sound about right Piggy?"

"Uhhh huhhhh," I mumble through my mouth full of eclair. "Outstanding," he shouts and slaps my belly hard with his other hand, "now let's get the rest of these eclairs into that massive belly of yours ... we don't want to disappoint the wife do we?"

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