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How fickle are you?

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Adamant Anti-Nihilist
Aug 7, 2010
So, I started thinking about this after happening upon this thread: http://www.dimensionsmagazine.com/forums/showthread.php?t=100423

How fickle would you say you are when it comes to attraction?

As an FFA and generally unabashedly pervy person, I can easily find myself quite attracted to some innocent passerby. But if I happen to meet that person and find I don't like their personality? Attraction killed.

Now if there's someone who I find both physically and mentally attractive, my sex drive is pretty much inexhaustible. But similarly, even if this attraction has held up long term, if some major personality flaw pops up, I'm pretty much in the land of asexuality.

And if I'm attracted personality wise, but not physically? I've found I can manage that for a period, but shallowness catches up to me in the long run.

Interestingly, this doesn't seem to apply to women. Physically, I'm attracted to a much larger range of women. While I still need the great personality to make them crush-worthy, I can be sexually attracted no matter what. This seems drastically different from the physical recoil I experience towards any guy who's lacking in the personality department.

So yeah. Thoughts? Personal experiences? Random discouraging jeers?

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